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Dahlia blinks open her eyes and sees the night sky and silhouette of Gina sleeping next to her. It's weird how the sky is reddish-black. It's from the city lights, but somehow whenever she looks at it she misses the black velvet sky from home. Not that she would ever go back there. Still, the people who grew up in New York didn't know the beauty they are missing.


Dahlia rolls her eyes at Austin calling her name softly from his mattress on the floor. Why the fuck did he wake her up anyway? He just enjoys fucking with her. She keeps her back to him but fishes her phone out from under her pillow and sees that it's two thirty in the fucking morning. What the fuck is he up to? She knows he has seen the light from her phone in the dark room but she does but turn around or acknowledge him. Rather she shuts off her phone and slips it back under her pillow then closes her eyes and tries to go back to sleep.


He stretches out her name. She ignores him. Whatever the fuck he has to say can wait until the sun is up and she has pumped her body full of sugar from the cereal she is hiding under the bed. No special treatment for him. Asshole.






"Fuck," Dahlia whispers shouts, and turns around in her bed. It's dark but she can just make out that Austin is lying on his stomach with his chin resting on his folded arms while looking up at her with a pathetic triumphant grin. "What? What on fucking earth do you want at two in the fucking morning?"

"It's two thirty actually."

"I am going back to sleep."

"No. Come here."


"I have something I want to talk to you about...please."

Dahlia finds herself slipping out of bed. She would never do it for anyone else. Never. It annoys her that she gives into Austin so easily. But what can she say? She is gone for him so when he says please with a little pout and a whine Dahlia's limbs move without thinking. It's billshit really. Austin flips onto his side when he sees her moving and then lifts his blanket in offer for her to climb in. She hesitates and frowns. Climbing into his bed seems like it could lead to a sprinkling of problems. Austin lets out a heavy sigh, grabs her arm and yanks her into his bed then covers her with his blanket.

"You are a lot of fucking work. You know that, Dahlia?"


Austin lets out a laugh but quickly covers his own mouth. He had been really loud but when they both peep up to look at Gina they can see she has not moved and is still asleep. They settle back down, both on their sides and facing each other. But not touching. "What was so important that you had to wake me up and then hold me hostage in your bed?" Dahlia asks hiding her smile as the moonlight gets caught in his eyes and the blue sparkles a bit. That's saved to the memory bank. "I want to make a deal with you. I think it will help us both out," he says. Dahlia squint's at him in suspicion. "Go on," she prompts.

"What's the first thought that comes to mind if I suggest you go on blind dates, get to know people via small talk, flirting, and smiling as they caress you."

"May they all burn in hell."

"Double dates."

"Kill me now."

"Long pointless park walks."

"Fuck that."

"Feeding ducks on a date, bike rides while giggling at stupid jokes, ice-cream dates, coffee dates, or even dates to a carnival where the guy buys you candy floss and you kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel."

"Stop. I get the picture. It sounds like my worst fucking nightmare."

"Well if you want sex, and we all do as adults, that is the game you have to play...multiple times," Austin says like this is something new to Dahlia and he has just opened her eyes. He is a fucking idiot. "Ok. Thank you and just so you know this talk could have waited till the sun was up. You are a fucking idiot," Dahlia says and starts to get up. But suddenly Austin's big hand shoots out and grabs her hip, pinning her down. His hand is so big it covers most of her hip, his thumb rubbing little circles on her hip bone. Dahlia feels her breathing start to get shallow. Fuck.

"Just wait. Let me finish," he says. Dahlia clenches her jaw and nods. "I don't want to do all that shit either...for my own reasons," he says. Yes, yes she knows why. He needs to hurry this up - Dahlia can feel her arousal growing with every circle of his thumb. He moves a little closer and pushes his knee between her legs. He smirks as her breath hitches. "How about we help each other out" he suggests then slips his thumb into her waistband and pulls down slightly. Dahlia's body jerks a little. Shit. "How?" she asks then her hips roll involuntarily over his thigh. His eyes widen when he feels how aroused she is.

"Like this, baby," he whispers then ducks under the covers, pushing Dahlia onto her back. He puts his other thumb under the waistband on the other side and removes her sleep shorts. She waits for him to do something, anything but he has frozen. So Dahlia lifts the covers and looks down at him. His eyes are fixated on her vigina. "What are you doing?" she whispers. He looks up at her and grins. "You have a beautiful vagina. It's really lovely," he says. Is that a thing men do? Just stare at vaginas like one would a piece of art? "Umm, thank you...I think?" she says. Then without warning, Austin licks into her. It catches her off guard and she mewls loudly.

Austin stops and looks up at her. "I am going to need you to be quiet, baby," he says. Dahlia wants to give him a snippy remark about giving her a little warning but her brain is not functioning properly and she can't seem to make words so she just nods and clamps her mouth shut as Austin buries his head between her thighs again. He is good at whatever he is doing with his tongue and within a few minutes, Dahlia feels her stomach tighten as her climax grows. She whines in the back of her throat but knows that when it hits properly she is not going to be able to control herself so she grabs a pillow and covers her head with it. Moaning softly into it as she grips it with now-fisted hands as Austin continues to lick her through every last ounce of her orgasm.

She goes limp as her orgasm slowly drains out of her body and she can feel Austin slowly crawl up her body and then rest on top of her. The pillow that is still on her face is removed and Austin's smiley face comes into view. "We got a deal?" he asks. "Yeah, we have a deal," Dahlia says smiling back at him. This is a stupid idea. But Dahlia will only get a little bit of him so she will take whatever he gives her.

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