Twenty Seven

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It's been two weeks since they have gotten back to New York. Charles and Gina did not work out but Gina has moved on with Josh. Josh is a fucking idiot, a douchbag, and Dahlia hates him. But no one takes any notice of her dislike for Josh because Dahlia hates everyone. Even so - something is off about Josh. Dahlia can feel it.

Although Charles is no longer around, the twins have become a common occurrence in Dahlia's life. She will never admit but they have grown on her. Just a little. They are kind and thoughtful and are now super fans of Austin's music. It's a little creepy.  Dahlia can't help feeling grateful that Austin's fan base is growing. She only warms his bed...when Gina is out so she should not feel so proud of Austin's steadily growing music career - but she is. It's growing at an alarming pace, as it should - Austin is very talented. The first show Dahlia attended at the pub had around fifty audience members and a place at the bar for her to park her ass. The second show produced a slightly fuller crowd and in the third, even more, people showed up. The shows after that? Yip, you guessed it, even more people showed up. The show Dahlia attended last night was so crowded they had to turn people away, there was no space at the bar and she had to stand on the side of the stage with the twins just to see him.

"Sweet and Sour is not an office. It's a fucking daytime bar...and a place for Ronny to hide from his responsibilities," Dahlia points at one of the men at the bar, "I see you, Ronny," she says then turns back to Austin and the twins. "Get your shit off my bar," she says. Paris gasps and gathers up the papers spread out on the bar top. "They are not shit! They are clothing designs for our superstar here," he says. Dahlia picks up a sketch and frowns, "what the fuck is this?" she asks. "Peacocking," Paris answers. "Pea-fucking-what?" Dahlia asks completely confused. "Peacocking. It's a common fashion statement in the music industry," Orlando starts, "Austin is talented but he needs to be interesting. He needs a marketing strategy and that's where clothing comes in. If we get him in fashion statements like this people will talk and girls will line up for him...unless that's a problem - the line of girls, I mean."

Dahlia hands Orlando his Peacock sketch back. "What would I care...Austin and I are just friends," she says. "Well I care,' Gina says coming up behind Austin and slinging her arm over his shoulders. Dahlia has to physically restrain herself. It's something new that's developed since getting back to New York. She has become possessive of Austin. She hates anyone touching him - it's a real problem. She has attempted to put some distance between them to try and deal with her shit but Austin always finds a way to touch her or be alone and so her plan has not worked...or even started. It's a hard life. Just Austin winking at her has her needing to mop the fucking floor. She is pretty much fucked.

"Why do you care?" Austin asks her a little too sweetly. "Well I don't want you getting hurt," Gina says with a little pout. "That will never happen...I would have care for that to happen," he says. The twins start laughing and Austin turns frowning at them. "Yeah, because of Daisy," Orlando says. Austin's eyes widen and then he frowns again. "Daisy? How..." he trails off. "Sorry. That would be me. I told everyone about the girl you are in love with and that you nick-named her Daisy," Gina says. Austin bows his head and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Gina. Not everything has to be said out loud," he says. "Oh sorry. Sorry. Please don't be mad," Gina begs.

"Hold on, are you really still in love with her? Or is that just Gina's fairytale world?" Paris asks, ignoring the elbow he gets in the ribs from Orlando. Austin's eyes flicker to Dahlia who quickly looks away. "Yes...very much," he says so quietly Dahlia almost does not hear him. But the way his words stick to her skin like hot lava there is no denying he said them. "Austin, it's been so long. Don't you think you should at least try and move on," Gina says. Dahlia looks back and regrets it. Austin is looking at Gina with a fond smile. Like he is in love with her - which he is.

"I am not in control of this thing, Gina," he taps his chest over his heart, "...she is," he says. "But -" Orlando starts talking but is cut off when Austin stands up. "No more. Do not bring Daisy up again," he says sternly. The twins and Gina nod obediently at his demand. "Ready to go, Gina?" he asks then. Gina squeals and grabs his hand, "absolutely," she says. Dahlia frowns, what's this? "Where are you two going?" she asks. "Oh, umm...Austin is taking me on a date," Gina says. Austin smirks and winks at Dahlia as he grabs his two guitars. "Will you all be at my show later?" he asks, looking at Dahlia. Dahlia gives a non-committed humm while the twins nod. Then they watch as Austin and Gina walk out hand in hand.

They are going on a date? Did he ask her on a date? He had a private conversation with Gina that has lead to them going on a date. Is he dating her? What the fuck is going on? Why did she not know any of this? It's one thing to be sleeping with Austin while Gina is not interested in him but if they are starting a thing that's a whole different ball game. But Gina would have told her. She tells Dahlia everything. What about Josh? What the fuck is going on?

Dahlia opens a beer and downs it then gives one to Ronny who is looking at her like a lost puppy. This is bad. This is bad and it fucking sucks. Gina and Austin - the perfect couple. The twins are speaking in hushed tones as they get back to Austin's fucking fashion statement. Dahlia sighs when she sees Paris pointing to an outfit with fishnets. "Have you ever seen Austin in a three-piece suit?" she asks them. They both look up at her and shake their heads. "Well, I have. Put him in something like that and he will be me," she says. She then throws her dish towel at Harry who is taking over the shift and stalks out of Sweet and Sour.

Fuck everyone.

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