Forty Five

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Dahlia is wracked with guilt. She is speed walking to the Austins venue, dragging a giggling Gina behind her. Gina is giggling at Harry who suspiciously decided to come with them tonight. Unusually he hurries home to his girlfriend but today he finds joy in telling Gina very stupid jokes and then taking pride in her giggling at them. Dahlia does not find them funny for two reasons - one, because they are not funny and two, because she is wracked with fucking guilt.

Austin had been so worried about meeting that agent and she was supposed to give him her undivided attention but instead, it had turned into a shit show with that fucking lawyer about her fucking father. Her only saving grace is that she is not Austin's girlfriend so she holds no responsibilities but no matter how many times she repeats it in her head she still feels fucking guilty and it's starting to piss her the fuck off.

Maybe she should stop this shit show. Put some distance between her and Austin. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. That's what a sensible person would do. That's what she is going to do. After the show she is going to hear what he says about the agent then she is going to suggest they put some distance between themselves. Not too much though. But enough to start weening her off him. It can't be much longer before Gina wakes the fuck up anyway.

They reach the venue and stand in line for ticket sales. The line is way longer than it's ever been. Dahlia can't help the spark of pride that fills her chest. Austin is growing as an artist - nothing can hold him back. Gina giggles again and annoyance shoots down Dahlia's spine. She spins around and glares at Harry. "Why are you here? Don't you have a girlfriend to get home to?" Dahlia asks. Harry's face drops and he shakes his head. "No. She cheated on me with one of her workmates. I kicked her out a few weeks ago," he says.

"Oh, Harry! I am so sorry to hear that," Gina says throwing her arms around him and pulling him in for a hug. Fucking hell - if it was not enough that she feels guilty for Austin, now she feels guilty about Harry. "Well, she is fucking stupid," Dahlia says. Harry smiles at her and nods. "Yeah. She is fucking stupid. I am a great boyfriend to have," he says. Dahlia smiles at him and then takes out her phone when she feels it buzz. It's a text from Austin.


Relax. We are in the line.

Come round to the back.  


You are a pain in my
fucking ass, baby.

It's my life's work.

Come round to the back.
You don't have to pay
for tickets.

I know. But I want to.


I just want to buy a ticket.
You are worth spending
my hard-earned money on.

That's some romantic
shit, baby.

Fuck off.

Dahlia pockets her phone after she does not get a text back from him. He is busy setting up, it's a wonder how he got the time to text her in the first place. Dahlia looks around and sees Nessy coming slowly down the line with her entourage of followers. It looks like they are handing out flags and shirts. Nessy has way too much time on her hands. Gina grabs Dahlia's arm and pushes up against her, "if she asks you had flu. Austin texted her yesterday saying you were ill and could not meet yesterday and today," Gina whispers in her ear.  Eventually, she gets Dahlia and flashes her a big smile. "Hi, Dahlia! How are you feeling? Glad to see you here tonight. Mind you I would have also dragged my dead and dying body out of bed just to come to the concert. Our boy is getting big," Nessy says.

There is a piece of Dahlia that twists at Nessy's words - our boy. Our boy? Our boy. She wants to punch Nessy in her stupid face. But Nessy is not wrong. Austin does not belong to Dahlia no matter how much she wishes he was. He belongs just as much to Gina and Nessy as he does to Dahlia and even fucking Harry. "Would you like a shirt or a flag?" one of Nessy's friend asks glaring at Dahlia. Why the fuck is she glaring? "Austin asked us to hand them out personally. We know him personally," the friend says - still glaring. "That's Gina and Dahlia, San," Nessy says. San glares at Dahlia even harder. "Oh my gosh. You are Gina and Dahlia!" another girl squeals, "you are so lucky. You live with him and are his best friend and girlfriend," she says.

Gina laughs and then takes three shirts. "I am not his girlfriend silly. We are both his best friends," she says. Then turns to Dahlia, "arms up," she says. Usually, Dahlia would refuse to wear a shirt that has Austins fucking face on it but she feels a little numb at Gina's words. So she lifts her arms and lets Gina slip the hideous shirt onto her. "Well can I have a photo anyway?" Nessy's friend asks. Dahlia shakes her head and Gina does not push her to. Gina and the girl take a selfie as Nessy and Harry Look at Dahlia with fucking judgmental eyes and a shake of the head. Then she follows her friends as they move on down the line. Dahlia would wonder why Gina just assumed that the girl had thought Gina was the girlfriend but she knows the answer already.

Gina is in Austins league and Dahlia is not - it's that simple. Also, Austin is in love with Gina and it must be pretty obvious to everyone around them. Eventually, they reach the front of the line. "Three tickets please," Dahlia says. Then turns to Gina and Harry for their portion. Harry hands over cash for both him and Gina ignoring Gina's protests. Dahlia turns back to pay for the tickets but the guy holds up his hand. "You Dahlia?" he asks. Dahlia frowns and looks at him with suspicion. He holds up a photo of her and points to it. "For fucks sake. Yes. Yes, that is me," she says with a defeated sigh. "You are with the bad. Your tickets are front-row box seats and free. Lead singer's instructions." he says. "Thank you," Dahlia says taking the tickets. Flicking Austin a text.

Sneaky bastard.

She turns to see Harry giving Gina heart eyes she feels bad for him. He is definitely crushing on Gina. He does not stand a chance. "I am keeping your ticket money, Harry the first round of drinks is on you," Dahlia says walking into the very busy venue.

"Fudge pops! Look how many people are here!" Gina says, eyes and mouth wide open. Dahlia and Harry are no better than her. There must be at least 3000 people. "Well fuck me!" Dahlia breathes out. This is the biggest crowd she has ever seen. What the hell happened since his last gig? She needs a drink as now she feels nervous for Austin. He has to play in front of all these people? She would fucking die. "Drinks," she says to Gina and Harry then heads for the drinks counter with Gina and Harry. She pulls out her phone and flicks Austin a text while waiting in line.

This place is fucking packed.

Come backstage. Now. Just you.

Dahlia frowns, fucking bossy bastard. She turns to Harry and hands him his money and their tickets. "Get me a beer. I will meet you in the box just now," Dahlia says and then makes her way backstage.    

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