Fifty Nine

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Dahlia stops and listens carefully. She is sure she heard her name being called, but after listening for a while she hears nothing so she shrugs and goes back to adjusting her camera. But then she hears her name again so she stops and listens again. "You heard that too?" Gina says. "You heard that? I thought I was going crazy," Dahlia says. Gina had been employed by William to model some of the clothing for fashion week so they are both standing in Williams studio.

Dahlia and Gina listen but can't hear anything so they both shrug and get back to work. But then they hear Dahlia's name being called again. What the fuck is going on? Edward and William come out of William's office with a frown, "What's going on?" William asks. Dahlia shrugs and they all turn to look at the front door when they hear Dahlia's name being called again, this time much louder. "Is that...Austin?" Gina asks. Dahlia continues to listen and then hears her name again - it is Austin.

Dahlia moves to the front door and looks out down the street. There is a crowd of people but she can't see Austin. "There! Look way up there," Gina says pointing in the opposite direction Dahlia had been looking. Dahlia turns her head to see Austin is barreling towards her, shouting out her name as he goes. His smile is so big it's the first thing she sees. Harry and the twins are just behind him and look just as happy. He comes to an abrupt stop in front of her and looks down with a stupid goofy grin on his face. He then holds out a document to her. "What is this?" she asks. Austin points to it, "Read it," he says. Dahlia frowns, confused, and then looks down. She does not get past the first sentence when Austin starts talking.

"It's a contract!"

"It's a contract?"

"Yes! It's a contract!"

"Oh! Oh, holy shit Austin! This is a fucking contract!"

"It's a fucking contract!" he laughs picking her up and spinning her around. She holds the contract above her head like a trophy and starts cheering as Austin and everyone else cheers along. "This calls for a celebration, come inside all of you," Edward says. William shuts the front door and turns up the music while Edward and Gina grab glasses and champagne from Austin's office. The twin's chatter and Harry recants stories about how scary the music agent had been while Austin laughs along.

Later while they are all mellow and soaked in champagne William demands a taste of what the world can expect from Austin and Harry now that their band is going to make it big so they land up at a local karaoke bar. Where Dahlia and Gina vote that the twins are much better singers than Austin and Harry but then Edward declares that William is actually the best because he is the most handsome. Dahlia and Gina agree because that's simple logic. The night is loud and fun, and fabulous. As the night slows down Dahlia sees Gina and Harry kissing in a dark corner of the bar. The twins disappear with another set of twins and Edward slings William over his shoulder then stalks off to a cab mumbling something about whipped cream, cranberries, and handcuffs.

"It's just us," Austin says leaning over and trying to kiss her. Dahlia pulls back and gives him a pointed look. "Oh just because you are now a superstar you think you can have me whenever you feel like it?" she asks with a grin. "Well that's how groupies work don't they?" he says. Dahlia leans forward and lets out a laugh. "Yeah, but where would you have me? This bar is pretty full," she asks into Austin's mouth. "I could spread you out on this bar...give people a show," he suggests. "Any self-respecting groupie would never allow that...we may be wild and free but we have morals. I want to be fucked respectfully," she says. "Respectfully?" he says with a smirk. "How do you propose I do that?" he asks.

"Write me a song and sing it to me while I go down on you," she says laughing. Austin's laugh rumbles out of him and it takes him a moment to steady himself. "Who says my songs are not all already about you?" he asks a little too seriously for Dahlia's liking. "Which one? Psycho? Enemies?" she asks hoping Austin laughs and retracts what he said. But he just shakes his head. "Circles," he says. His face serious. Dahlia frowns, what is he saying? He can't be serious. He has had too much to drink and is talking shit. "Stop that. You are freaking me out," she snaps at him. He lets out a little laugh and waves his hand in the air. "Yeah. I have just had a little too much to drink. Ignore what I said...want to see something amazing?" he says quickly.

Dahlia nods. She will do anything that will get out of this conversation. Austin stands up and tugs her out of the bar and into a waiting taxi. He leans forward and whispers the destination to the cabbie. "Can I kiss you now? I haven't kissed you all day," Dahlia says. She is not normally so forward, it must be the champagne. Also, she really wants to kiss him. Austin snorts but wraps his arms around her and pulls her close, slipping his tongue into her mouth and kissing her until she is practically gasping for air. He lets her go just long enough for her to catch her breath then he is kissing her again.

Eventually, the cab stops and Austin pulls her out of the cab  and onto the sidewalk. Dahlia looks around confused. It looks like every other street in New York. Where are they? "Wait here," he says then walks off to a man standing near a side door of an enormous rounded building. Dahlia watches Austin talk with the man like they are best friends and then she sees him pass the man a wad of cash. The man then walks away from the side door and Austin turns to Dahlia and waves her over. When she gets to him he tugs her through the unmanned side door.

"Where are we? What is this place?"

"Shut up. Just follow me."

It's so dark Dahlia can hardly see in front of her, all she is doing is clinging to Austin's back as he guides her down a long dark hallway. Eventually, they go through a doorway but it's still so dark Dahlia has no idea where they are. Austin leads her down some steps and then guides her onto a chair. "Stay here," he says but Dahlia catches his hand and stops him. "Are you fucking mad? It's so fucking dark in here. You can't leave me alone," she says. Austin chuckles then leans down and kisses her. "I won't be long. Trust me, baby," he says. Then he is gone.

Dahlia sits in the dark for what feels like years. She can tell she is in a big hall from the echo sounds but that's about it. What the fuck is he doing? Suddenly there is a loud bang and lights start flicking on. Finally Dahlia can see she is in a large circular hall. She is seated on the floor level of the cascaded seats. In the middle of the hall just in front of her is a large stage with a huge square screen coming out of the roof above the stage. She is not 100% sure but she thinks they are in Madison Square Garden. Then Austin walks out onto the stage and stands in front of her.

"When I turned 16 my parents asked me what car I wanted. I asked them to bring me here instead and so they did. We watched three shows that weekend. I remember sitting in that exact chair and thinking to myself that one day it would be me up here. That twenty thousand people would come here just to watch me sing. I come here every year on my birthday," he holds up his contract and beams, "one day, baby, it will be me on this stage. It will be me that the crowd cheers for, I can practically taste it," he says.

"You belong on that stage, Austin."

"You think so?"

"I do."

"While I love it up here. I don't want to be up here alone."

"You will never be alone. You have your band, your family even your friends."

"But will I have you?"

Dahlia stands up and walks around the stage and then up the steps to Austin. "You will always have me...we are best friends remember," she says running her finger over the stupid friendship bracelet Gina made him. He smiles at her, it seems sad but she can't be sure because he pulls her in and kisses her. "I will take that, baby. I will take whatever you are willing to give me," he says softly.

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