Fifty One

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"Hi. You must be Dahlia." A very well-dressed man with a strong jaw and a big smile walks towards Dahlia as she and Austin are waiting outside William's studio door. "I might be...depends on who you are," Dahlia says. "I am Edward, William's husband," Edward says. "I am guessing you are the best friend?" Edward says giving Austin the once over. "Yup, Austin," Austin says. "Aww. You guys are just the sweetest-looking couple. I married my best friend. Best choice of my life," Edward says. Austin looks at Edward with a frown and then at Dahlia. "Ok...I will see you this afternoon at Sweet and sure you don't want me to meet you here and walk you down?" Austin asks.

Fucking hell he sounds like an overprotective boyfriend. He is only here because he insisted on walking her here, ignoring her protests and threatening to sling her over his shoulder if she continues to complain.

"Oh, you guys are so sweet!" Edward says. "Who's fucking sweet?" William says walking up behind them with a little Jack Russel under his arm. "Dahlia and Austin of course," Edward says gesturing to Dahlia and Austin. "You are late. It's 8:15," William says to Dahlia. "I was early, you are late. You married your best friend? I thought you said you hated your best friend," Dahlia challenges William. "Actually my words were - I fucked my best friend, now I hate him and I regret ever touching him...doesn't mean I don't love him," William says taking out his office keys and jiggling them in the lock.

"That makes no sense," Dahlia says taking the Jack Russel William is passing to her and then passing it on to a bewildered Austin. "Love makes no fucking sense, Dahlia," William says turning to Edward and grabbing his face then kissing him. "I love you so fucking much that I fucking hate you," he says. Edward giggles, "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee. The more I have, for both are infinite," Edward whispers against William's lips. Dahlia turns to Austin and mouths, "what the fuck?" Austin looks back at her with a confused face and shrugs.

"Ok," Edward says stepping out of William's arms and taking the Jack Russel from Austin. "I must be on my way I have to give this cutie back to my sister," he says then turns and walks off down the street. William sighs and shakes his head. "Been with that man for thirty years. He likes to quote Shakespeare and talk to our plants at home...Love of my fucking life. Please get us a coffee each," he hands Dahlia a bank card and points to the coffee shop across the road, "black, no sugar. Goodbye ink bowl," he says then ducks into his studio. Austin lifts his hand to wave but William is long gone. "You sure it's a good idea to work for him?" Austin asks. Dahlia rolls her eyes and then loops her arms around his neck. "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti," she says. Austin pulls his head back and looks at her like she is crazy.

"What the fuck?"

"What? I don't know any Shakespeare quotes."

"So what did you just quote me?"

"Silence of the Lambs."

"Nice. A quote from a psychopathic cannibal."

Dahlia laughs then pulls Austin down and connects their lips. Thirty years with Austin sounds like heaven. But she is not dumb - she knows she only gets him for now. "Baby, we need to stop," Austin mumbles into the kiss. Dahlia ignores him. "Seriously, baby. Carry on and I will have to fuck you on one of those coffee shop tables," he says. Dahlia snorts, "ok," she laughs. Austin pushes her off him and adjusts himself. "You are a fucking sin, Dahlia," he smirks and walks away.

Working for William is a fucking nightmare. It's fantastic. He screams, shouts, throws tantrums and objects, swears, and rips apart every model that has the misfortune of standing in front of his camera. His assistant quit and he received two phone calls from HR about his behavior then three phone calls and a visit from designers and fashion magazine editors about what a gem he is. Dahlia can't remember the last time she had so much fun in one day. William had thrown so much information at her that she had to start taking notes. He has also introduced her to some VIPs of the fashion world telling them that she will be the next him once he retired.

By the end of the day, any doubt Dahlia might have had about entering this world is gone. This is the perfect job for her. Becoming a photographer is no longer a dream - it's a passion. "Take this phone. Ring the employment agency and get me a new assistant," William says handing her a phone as he locks his studio door. "Oh and tomorrow you are going to take photos at this address," he hands her a piece of paper with an address on it, "Edward's sister has a children's clothing line," he says.

"I hate children."

"So do I. Suck it up," he says blowing her a kiss and walking off in the direction Edward had gone that morning. She might just be in love with William. When Austin leaves maybe she could ask to join William and Edward's life. She rings the employment agency and explains that she needs a new assistant for William on the way to Sweet and Sour. They already had one lined up - apparently, it's a weekly thing. Can William be any more perfect? She walks into Sweet and Sour and has to force herself not to get a stupid sentimental smile on her face.

Austin and the twins are huddled on one side of the bar talking and waving sketches about. Ronny is slumped over the bar clutching a full beer. Nessy is a few stools down reading a book and sipping on a coffee. Harry is behind the bar with a grin on his face and his eyes trained on Gina who is serving a group of men. San is serving a lone man at a table but her eyes flick to Dahlia and then she points. The lone man turns around and Dahlia's heart sinks. It's the lawyer. He is sporting a bruised face - but it's definitely him. He stands from his table and Dahlia makes a beeline for Austin but the lawyer is quick and cuts her off. "Afternoon, Dahlia Hart," he says. Dahlia's heart races and she gulps. It's not him that scares her it's the message she just knows he has for her from her father that does.


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