Forty Four

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Dahlia wakes to a screaming match. For a second she thinks she may be back in the trailer park on payday when all the drunk assholes pick fights with anyone around them. She opens her eyes and sees she is in Austin's bed, well her bed...their bed? Anyway, she sits up shaking her head, and sees the twins standing by the front door looking upset so she beckons them over to her. They both scramble onto the bed and cling to her like two baby brothers even though they are bigger and older than her. The shouting is coming from the hallway outside the apartment.

"What's happening?" She asks. "That lawyer came round this morning looking for you," Paris explains. "Austin lost his shit with him and punched him," Orlando interjects. "He left but told Austin he was going to keep coming round till you hear what he has to say," Paris says. "So who is fighting now?" Dahlia asks. "Gina and Austin," Orlando says. Dahlia is surprised, Gina has never ever raised her voice. Whatever she and Austin are fighting about must have her really upset. Dahlia gets out of bed and creeps over to the front door so she can hear what they are shouting about better.

"I do not care what you think is right, Gina! She is not going anywhere near that man!"

"But, Austin, she needs closure. Talking to her Dad will help!"

"Help! Help! Are you fucking hearing yourself? The asshole killed her mother! He almost killed her!"

"I know that, Austin! But maybe if she learns to forgive him so she can move on!"

"No! He does not deserve her forgiveness. He deserves fucking nothing! She is not going and I don't give a fuck what you say!"

"Maybe I would like a say in whatever this is," Dahlia says stepping out into the hallway and fixing both Austin and Gina with a glare. They both look at her and she is not sure if it's with pity or empathy. She hopes it's the latter. Her heart squeezes whenever they stand next to each other. Gina and Austin look like they were made from the same mold. Like they were made for each other. She squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head. There is so much running through her head right now she does not have the mental capacity to deal with her pining right now.

"Sweetheart, let's get dressed for the day then we can talk about all this at breakfast," Austin says stepping forward. Dahlia's stomach flips at the pet name. She does not think he meant to use it. Her eyes flick to Gina who is now frowning. "Sweetheart?" she says and then steps forward taking Dahlia's arm. "Trying to soften her with sweet pet names will not work, Austin," Gina says and pulls her back into the apartment. Dahlia looks back at Austin who is looking at her with a worried face. "Close one," she mouths at him. His worried face turns dark then he turns and stalks away. Fucking hell it's been a full-on 24 hours.

Gina and Dahlia meet Austin and the twins at Sweet and Sour. The boys had gotten breakfast and dish it out as they slide onto one of the tables. Harry happens to be there too and he is invited to join. Not two minutes into breakfast Austin and Gina start fighting. Dahlia, the twins, and Harry watch them - none of them quite sure what to do. Both Gina and Austin are furious and their squabbling is going nowhere. Dahlia is just about ready to pour her drink over both their head when Harry clears his throat and raises his hand. "Sorry, if I may have a word in please..." he says. Austin and Gina stop gnashing their teeth at each other and turn to look at Harry. Dahlia takes the opportunity to grab Austin's hand discreetly under the table. He holds on tight.

"Speak, Harry," Dahlia prompts when he doesn't say anything. "Ok. I'm sorry, just was not expecting you guys to stop and listen to me," he says. "Harry, enough with the commentary. Say your piece," Austin snaps at him. Dahlia squeezed's hand. Austin sighs. "Sorry, it's been a trip...go on," he says. "Well...I don't know the whole story but I can pick up that you are on opposite ends of the coin. But I think you are missing the bigger picture here," Harry says. "And what's the bigger picture?" Gina asks. "That you are both worried about Dahlia and want to protect her," he says. Gina bows her head and Dahlia can see the sadness on her face. Gina hates fighting with anyone especially Austin and Dahlia so this must be killing her.

"I am sorry for shouting at you, Gina," Austin says and takes her hand that is resting on the table. "Me too," Gina sniffles, "I just worry about you so much, Dahlia," she says. "I know and I could not ask for better people in my life. How about you tell me why you guys are fighting and I choose what I want," Dahlia says. Both Gina and Austin nod in agreement. "I think you should go and see your father. Try and forgive him so you can have some closure and move on," Gina explains. "And I say you should not give him the time of day. He does not deserve your forgiveness. Forget him and move have us," Austin explains. Dahlia turns to the twins. "Do you have an opinion on this?" she asks them. They both look at her in surprise. "We did not know we were entitled to an opinion," Orlando says. "Well, you are...what is it?" Dahlia says.

Paris and Orlando whisper to each other and then Paris sits up and looks at Dahlia. "Have him killed. A quick jab in the ribs and he is done," he says. Gina gasps and Austin laughs. Dahlia rolls her eyes, "helpful, thank you," she says sarcastically. "Thank you for all caring. I am only going to say this once so don't bug me about it...I don't want to forgive him. I am not going to see him. I have moved on," she says and stands up. "Harry, start cleaning the bar. Gina, your shift does not start for another three hours so get out of here. Twins go to your office and Austin we will see you at your show tonight," Dahlia says as she walks to the front door to open it for Ronny. This will be just another normal day for them all. The past is the past - good things are happening for her and her father has no place here. She touches her locket just to make sure it's still there and then goes about her day.

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