Fifty Three

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When Dahlia wakes up she is plastered to Austin's chest. His arms are around her so tightly she is battling to breathe a little. She shifts slightly and the little movement wakes Austin up immediately. His worried face looks down at her and Dahlia can see he has not gotten much sleep. He loosens his grip on her and she shuffles up a few inches so she is laying face-to-face with him on the pillow. It's still early in the morning, the sky a velvet blue as night slowly disappears. The city that never sleeps feels fairly quiet this morning. So quiet that she can hear the wind whistle through the trees that line their street.

"I am going to go see him," she whispers.

"I know," Austin says then slides his hand around to the back of her head, holding her still as he kisses her. After what feels like seconds and hours he pulls back and then looks up at the bed. Dahlia follows his gaze. She can see Gina and Harry in bed, asleep. Harry seems to be around much more lately. "Get up," he whispers. Dahlia climbs out of the bed and then frowns when she sees the twins - one is curled up at Harry's feet and the other is cuddled to Gina's back. This flat is designed for one person. How the fuck they have landed up with six people in this space is something Dahlia will never understand. But it makes her chest warm.

Austin hands her a bunch of blankets and takes a couple of pillows then flicks his head to the door. They tiptoe out and then make their way up to the roof. "You been out here before?" Austin asks. Dahlia shakes her head as she takes in the view. Their building is much smaller than the Freedom tower  so there is no insane wind whipping the air out of her lungs. Even though they are much lower down with the buildings on either side a few stories higher than this roof she still gets that giddy feeling she had at the top of their Ferris wheel and it makes her stomach swoop. Austin takes the blankets from her and spreads them out then pulls her down on them with him.

It's not freezing but it is chilly so the warmth Austin's body gives within the cacoon he wraps them in with the blankets makes her sigh. Austin stops his fussing of tucking the blanket in around them to look at her. "And that sigh?" he asks. Dahlia looks up at him as he hovers over her. I love you, I have always loved you - are the words that run through her mind. But she can't say that, he does not belong to her. "You make me feel like I matter," she says instead, it's still the truth. Austin lets his eyes run over her face then smiles softly. "You matter," he says then moves over her and settles himself between her thighs. "I matter," he says then leans down and kisses her. He pulls back and looks down at her, "this matters," he says then pulls off his shirt then hers. "They matter," he says with a smirk as he buries his face between her breasts. Dahlia chuckles.

Dahlia slides her hands over his smooth back and pushes down the back of his pants, over the swell of his ass. Then squeezes it. "What about this?" she asks with a giggle. Austin lifts his head and looks at her. "That matters," he says with a wink then kicks off his pants. "but these-" he says huffing and wriggling as he pulls off her sleep shorts then holds them up, "these? These don't matter," he says and throws them to the side. Dahlia laughs and then loops her arms around his neck. "We matter," she says. She had not meant to say it, she had been caught up in the moment and it was out before could stop herself. Austin stops laughing and looks down at her with a serious face, then cocks his head. Shit. Had she gone too far?

"Yeah. Yeah, baby, we matter."

Dahlia is not sure if she heard right, her heart is beating so loudly. We matter. We matter? She does not know what that really means but before she gets a chance to think too much about it, Austin pushes into her. Her brain turns to mush and she clings to him as he starts building up steady, deep thrusts that punch the air out of her lungs. Biting on her neck, jaw, and collarbone he is relentless and fierce, looping his arm around her back when her spine arches as she cries out. He pulls them up and sits her on his thighs. She is so caught up in how he is kissing her that she forgets to move her hips until he mumbles into her mouth for her to move.

She snaps her hips forward as he growls and grabs at her lower back. "Fucking hell," he breathes out and thrusts up slightly - matching her own thrusts. Dahlia can feel the soft micro hairs on her body prickle slightly as the wind melts over her skin. It ignites her orgasm and she turns her face to the sky as she starts to submit to it. Her orgasm is like a drug slowly making its way through her body. She looks up at the now light blue sky as she twists her fingers into Austin's soft brown hair while he sucks on her breasts. Glorious is the word that's on her lips as she climaxes at the same time as Austin shudders into her.

It takes them both a good 5 minutes to get their breathing under control and then they are both laughing. Dahlia does not know why. It could be that they just fucked on a very public roof in the middle of New York in broad daylight. It could be that they are young and wild and free so why the fuck not laugh? Or it could be that they could be with anyone else right now but they are with each other. It does not matter that this is temporary and that Dalhia is taking something that does not belong to her.

For now. In this moment...Austin is hers.

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