Twenty Four

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Dahlia wakes up and is immediately upset then annoyed that she is upset. Why the fuck is she like this? Its been a few months now that she and Gina are in New York and during that time she has either woken up with Austin wrapped around her or in his bed near her. So now waking up alone in the cabin and not having him even asleep on the couch makes her chest sting and a lump form in her throat. It pisses her off how much she likes having Austin around. It's going to fucking rip her apart when Gina finally comes to her senses and takes Austin from her. He will go willingly too.

After Austin had left her at the bow the night before she had gone straight back to the cabin. She had showered and climbed into bed hoping that by the time Austin came in he would have calmed down a bit and by morning they would be good. Only thing is that he did not come in last night. He had chosen to either stay up all night or find another place to sleep. Dahlia had been tempted to go looking for him but in the end, had not - reminding herself that they are not in a relationship and she does not have to explain the choices she made as an independent fucking woman.

She drags herself out of bed when she hears a soft knock on the door. She opens it hoping it is Austin and has to hide her disappointment when it's not. "Hi...I wanted to apologize for last night," Gina says. Her face riddled with worry and guilt. "The twins told me what you said. I am so sorry Dahlia I thought you were opening up," she says. Dahlia frowns, Gina is an idiot sometimes. "I don't open up to you, Gina. Why the fuck would I open up to a couple of freaky twins that still match their fucking clothing?" she barks out. Gina drops her head and Dahlia can see the tears drip onto the carpet.

Dahlia sighs. It's not Gina's fault that she sees the good in everyone, that she wants to be supportive and helpful and it's not her fault that she is also a fucking idiot. "It's fine, Gina. Just be more fucking attentive and don't go running your mouth," Dahlia says. Gina gives Dahlia a watery smile and nods her head then puts out her pinky finger. "I promise," she says. Dahlia rolls her eyes, "I am not giving a twenty-five-year-old woman a fucking pinky promise. I have had my fill of childish games," Dahlia says closing the cabin door and then stalking off to take a shower and get ready for the day. She is at her limit and the trailer park is calling her fucking name. Isolation - how sweet the sound.

Fifteen minutes later she makes it to the top deck where breakfast is well underway. She scans for Austin but he is not there and her heart sinks. Gina beacons her over and points to an open seat next to her. Dahlia sits down fully expecting to have the twins say something shitty or sleazy or both. But they give her a sad smile and quietly get back to nursing whatever brown concoction is lurking in the glasses in front of them. "Where is Austin?" Dahlia asks - she can't help it. "Oh, he left," Lou-Ann says. Dahlia's heart drops down to her toes. He left?

"He left?" Gina asks a little confused. "Yes, I saw him this morning bright and early as the yacht was docking. He said he was going into town and would be back this afternoon," Lou-Ann says. They had docked? Also, Lou-Ann could have started with that. Fuck. "We have docked?" Gina asks still confused. "Yes. It's all part of the inventory. We sail to this private beach, dock for the day, and set sail tomorrow again," Orlando says. "There is an inventory?" Gina asks still fucking confused.

Dahlia has had enough of stupid questions, stupid people, and this stupid yacht. She leaves the table, changes into her bikini, grabs her beach bag and towel then heads off to the private beach. She is going to sip cold beer, tan, and sleep - in that order. By the time she has stopped at a bottle store and makes her way down to the beach she sees everyone from the fucking yacht has had the same idea. She lays her towel down away from everyone else and cracks open a beer before she even sits down.

"Bit early to start drinking," Gina says as she appears at Dahlia's side. "It's Lite beer so technically it's just juice," Dahlia says taking a sip. "You worry me when you drink like this...but I am not your mother," Gina says. "Yeah, because my mother is dead," Dahlia says. Gina's eyes well up and Dahlia's guilt gets the better of her. That was out of line and unnecessary. "Sit with me, Gina. No talking, helps when you are near.," Dahlia says. Gina smiles and sits down quietly next to Dahlia. She does not react when Dahlia rests her head on her shoulder - she is just present like Delilah has asked.   

An hour later Lou-Ann and the twins have found their way over to Dahlia and Gina, but Delilah is in a better head space so as long as Gina does not leave her side she will be fine. "What has he got?" Gina says and points toward the yacht. Dahlia follows where she is pointing. It's Austin. He is strolling along the dock towards the yacht with several shopping bags. Dahlia shrugs and lies down, "he does not have to share everything with us, Gina," she says.

"Oh my, my, my - he is a lovely specimen. Are you guys sure he is in a committed relationship?" Lou-Ann asks the twins. Both twins nod but Gina lets out a little giggle. "Austin in a committed relationship? No, he is not. He has never been in a serious relationship," she says. "Why are you so sure?" Dahlia asks. Gina's surety as to Austin's relationship status annoys her. "Because of Daisy," Gina says like it's common knowledge. Dahlia sits up and stares at Gina.

"Daisy? Daisy? What the fuck are you talking about? Who is Daisy?" Dahlia's annoyance is prevalent. "He has been in love with the same girl since high school. He refuses to tell anyone who she is so after his friends begged him for a name he gave a nickname only...Daisy. He says it describes her best - delicate and sweet but tough and resilient," Gina says. Well, that makes sense. Gina is the epitome of a daisy - she is sweet, kind, loving, and delicate.  Of course, that's what he would call her in his head. There is nothing delicate about Dahlia. "I am lost...has he never had anyone just because he has been hung up on this Daisy girl? Why does he not just tell her how he feels?" Paris asks.

"He has had many girlfriends. But has been very clear with them all from the beginning - it's casual, it will never lead to anything serious and if Daisy were to ever come calling Austin would drop everything for her in a heartbeat," Gina explains. Clearly, he is treating Dahlia no different from any other girl. Until Daisy, aka - Gina, opens her fucking eyes and takes him. "But that still does not answer my question! Why does he just not tell her how he feels?" Orlando groans, desperate for an answer. "He has never given me a proper answer. He avoids the topic like a plague. But if I were to guess...fear? maybe," Gina says.

"Fear?" Dahlia questions.

"Yeah. I think he fears telling Daisy will scare her away. He would rather always have a shimmer of a chance with her even if he never takes it," Gina explains. "That's some pretty fucked up shit," Paris says. Gina and Orlando nod in agreement.

"So do you think I have a shot with him then?" Lou-Ann asks. Gina, Paris, Orlando, and Dahlia all say no in unison. 

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