Fifty Four

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"Ok, listen. I think you are being a little ridiculous. Borderline clingy."

"I am not. That lawyer has a knack for sniffing you out. I am just being cautious."

"You are stalking me."

"I am being protective. Admittedly - overprotective. But I don't care."

Dahlia rolls her eyes and slumps back in her chair. They are on the subway heading for Manhattan. Dahlia has to take photos of children for Edward's sister's brand because William is giving her the jobs he hates. She aspires to be him one day. Austin has decided that his job today will consist of getting on her last fucking nerve and stalking her.

"My late husband was overprotective," an old lady across from them says. Austin points to her and looks at Dahlia. "See, she gets it," he says. The old lady nods and then stands as the train slows to a stop. "Emphasis on the late, lad. I poisoned him and his overprotective ass," she says and then climbs off the train. Dahlia let's out a loud cackle while Austin's jaw drops. "Fucking New Yorkers. I swear," he mumbles eventually. Dahlia can't stop her laughing fit.

When they get to their stop they stand and Austin takes Dahlia's hand. "What is this?" she asks taking her hand back or at least trying to. Austin is stuck to her like glue. "Don't fight it, baby. This is happening," he says smirking and tugging her off the train and then up the subway steps. "It's kind of...intimate though, Austin. Holding hands randomly?" she questions him. Austin lets out a laugh and shakes his head. "You say that like you didn't wrap your thighs around my head a few nights back," he says then flicks his tongue out his mouth to drive home his point. "I don't remember that - must have been so boring it slipped my mind...this is the address," she says checking the paper from William.

Austin reaches over and opens the door, letting her go through first. "You will pay for that bullshit comment, baby," he says. Dahlia lets out a laugh and then presses the elevator button. "I fucking hope so," she says with a laugh while Austin sucks air in through his teeth as he grins back at her. The elevator doors open and Edward appears in the elevator "Dahlia! Austin!" he greets them happily. William and Edward can not be more different. Honesty, if Dahlia had not seen their insane interaction the day she would never have believed they were together. Let alone married for 30 years.

Edward has tight white jeans on and a light pink floral top, his shoulder-length brown hair looks like chocolate shavings, his nails are painted pink and he has rings on every one of his delicate fingers. He is as tall as Austin but with a slim chiseled build. He smiles a lot and loves hugging and kissing and quoting fucking Shakespeare. William is the opposite of everything Edwards is. He is only a few inches taller than Dahlia, wears black, and hates everyone. The only thing William and Edward have in common it seems is that they are both very, very handsome.

"Hi Edward, I did not know you were going to be here," Dahlia says, stepping into the elevator with Austin. "Are you kidding! When my sister, Bug, and William told me that there were going to be a hord of children here today I practically sprinted from our apartment. I love kids," Edwards says happily. "I was just popping out to get coffee and cakes for breakfast but I will take you up to meet Bug first," Edward says smiling.

Dahlia can't be more unhappy. This is a stark contrast from yesterday. Yesterday was full of anger and passion but today is full of happy glitter and laughing children - it's a fucking nightmare. But she has a job to do and she is determined to do it. Bug, Edward's sister is nice enough and lets Dahia get on with taking the photos without interference. But Dahlia has to bite her tongue and hold back a groan when the seventh little girl appears in a frilly pink dress. What the fuck happened to all the cool emo kids? After what feels like hours she is finally done and pretty proud that she has not killed anyone. 

"We all done Bug?" Dahlia asks when she sees no more kids waiting in the doorway. "Yes...been a long day. Thank you for doing this. William said you were one of the best he has seen in a long time and I have to say that I agree," Bug says. Dahlia smiles, she is not great with compliments but she will take that one. "Oh wait, please. There is one little girl left and I think it's so important we let her take her photo," Edward comes into the room. He looks fussed. "But, Edward she is too shy. I have been trying all day. Besides she won't come out from under that couch," Bug says pointing to the couch in the corner of the large room. Dahlia can see two tiny feet in ballet slippers poking out.

"I know, Bug. But it's really important. She will regret it so much tomorrow. We have to at least try...what about you Dahlia? Why don't you give it a go?" Edward asks. "You want me to talk to her?" Dahlia asks, shocked. Both Bug and Edward nod their heads. "I hate kids," Dahlia says. She is sure she has said that more than once today. Is no-one fucking listening to her? "Don't be scared. Just give it a go," Edward prompts. She is not fucking scared. But she gives up and goes to the couch. No one is listening to her anyway.

She crawls under the couch and comes face to face with a little gremlin - aka, a cute kid.

"Uh...hi. Want to have your picture taken?"


"Want do you want?"


"I didn't ask a question that constituted a no."


"Arnt you like five? Shouldn't you know more than one word?"

"I no like you."

"Feelings mutual."

"I Novu."

"Ok, look I feel like we are having two different conversations here."

Dahlia starts to try and crawl out from under the couch but Austin suddenly appears under the couch, sucking on a large lolly pop. Novu's eyes light up when she sees it. Austin says nothing and acts like neither Dahlia nor Novu are even under the couch. What the fuck is happening?

"Where you get that?" Novu asks. Austin licks the sugar off his lips and then looks at her. "Oh, this?" he asks holding it out for her to see. Novu nods. "I got this when I had my photo taken," he says like it's no big deal and goes back to sucking on the lolly pop. How the fuck is this Dahlia's life? What the fuck is happening? Novu looks at him and then grins, "you got a pink dress on like me," she says. Dahlia's eyes flick to Austins and oh holy fuck he does have a fucking pink dress on. "Yeah, I was taking my photo in this dress. Then I got this when I was done," he said holding up his lolly pop. "You can get one too if you take the photos," he says.

"No, not by myself," Nova says. "I can do it with you and you can have this lolly pop," he says. Nova screams with excitement and takes the lolly pop Austin offers her, "ok!" she says and wriggles out from under the couch, Austin follows her, and Dahlia is left alone under the couch.

What the fuck just happened? And why the fuck does Austin look so good in that fucking pink dress? 

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