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The pub is packed and people have fucking band t-shirts on. What world has Dahlia stepped into she even had to get a stamp on her hand with the band name. Desideratum Hart. Dahlia and Gina push through the thick crowd and make their way to the bar. "Tonight is a special night so it calls for special drinks. Cocktails!" Gina says clapping her hands together. "That sounds like a shit idea," Dahlia says. "Actually the bar has a special limited edition mocktail," a girl says holding a blue and green drink in her hand. There is also a little umbrella sticking out of it. "What the fuck is a mocktail?" Dahlia asks. "Oh, it's a cocktail without the alcohol. Do you want to have a sip of mine then you know if you like it or not," the girl says.

"Oh that's so sweet, thank you," Gina says taking the mocktail. Dahlia knocks the drink out of her hand, and they all jump back a little as it splashes onto the floor. "Fuck me, Gina! How the fuck are you still alive?" Dahlia groans at her. "What? Why?" Gina and the bar girl ask at the same time. Dahlia rolls her eyes and calls the bartender over, "One beer and two cocktails," she orders. "What type of cocktails?" the bartender asks. "Do I look like I give a shit about what cocktails they are? Just make sure they have an umbrella shoved into them," Dahlia instructs.

"Predators offer random girls sips of their drinks at bars, Gina," Dahlia says leaning on the bar and giving Gina a pointed look. "Oh, I am not a predator," bar girl says. Dahlia glares at her, "that is exactly what a predator would say," she says. "One beer and two frozen Margarita's with umbrellas," the bartender shouts over the bar. Dahlia pulls out some cash and hands it to the bartender. He puts his hands up and shakes his head. "The Audrey Hepburn-looking girl with a mouth on her...you Dahlia?" he asks. "Yes," Dahlia answers suspiciously.

"Yeah, you are with the band. Your drinks are on the house," he says and walks off. Nice. Dahlia is going to drink her sorrows away tonight on Austin's dime. She takes the cocktails and hands one to Gina. "You only accept drinks approved by me or Austin, ok?" she says. Gina nods. Then she passes the other to the bar girl. "If these cocks are good enough for lesbians then they are good enough for the rest of us. Drink a fucking cocktail and leave the juice for fucking breakfast. Mocktail my fucking ass," she says. She turns back to the bar and grabs her beer.

After a few sips, she turns to look at Gina who has been unusually quiet by her side. She has not taken a sip from her cocktail that she had been so excited about. Instead, she is just staring at it while playing with the umbrella. Fuck. She has that far-away look on her face. She is sitting in her feelings. "Gina, spit it out," Dahlia says. The quicker they get this over with the better. "You," Gina says looking at Dahlia with big eyes. "Me what?" Dahlia asks taking another sip of her beer. "You asked me how I am still alive...you Dahlia. You are the reason," Gina says.

Dahlia groans, "Aww, not this shit again," she says taking another sip of her beer and then calling over the bartender and pointing to her beer. "Dahlia. If you had not done what you did I would be dead. You gave me a second chance at life!" Gina says. Dahlia downs the rest of her beer and takes her new one from the bartender. "Gina, you sure know how to hang onto shit. It's really starting to piss me off," Dahlia says.

"But, Dahlia -"

"Enough, Gina. Fuck! We are supposed to be here for a good time. To watch Austin and his shitty band play shitty music."

"Hey!!" three girls shout from next to Dahlia. "Oh, relax!" Dahlia snips back at them. "But, Dahlia I don't know how to say thank you. I try and find the words but they always feel so stupid. What you did for me...I will always be grateful and I just worry that you don't know how thankful I am," Gina says starting to sniffle as she gets more and more emotional. A guy suddenly appears next to her and puts his arm around her shoulders. "You ok? Here have a sip of my drink...it will calm you," he says offering her a drink. Gina gives him a sad smile and takes the drink. " Thank you. You are so kind," she says.

This fucking girl.

Dahlia takes the drink and splashes it in his face. "Fuck off," she says. She picks up Gina's cocktail and hands it to her then grabs her elbow and pulls her through the crowd to the front of the stage. Gina is still sniffling. Dahlia hates it when she gets in her feelings. "Fuck. Gina...look at me," Dahlia says and Gina looks at her with tear-filled eyes. "Words mean shit. I never believe words...actions on the other hand are different. You never left me behind. When New York was an option...you came to find me. That means something to me," Dahlia says. Gina blinks her tears away and beams down at Dahlia. "I love you so much, Dahlia!" Gina squeals and starts hoping. Dahlia knows she is trying to contain herself from hugging.

Dahlia just wants to get past this. So she sighs and opens her arms. Gina squeals again and goes in for a hug. After thirty seconds Dahlia pulls back and looks at Gina with eyebrows raised in question. "Ok, I am done. No more emotional poop," Gina says. "Thank fuck for that," Dahlia says and turns back to the stage. "You guys make such a cute couple," bar girl appears beside them. Gina giggles and shakes her head. "We are just best friends. I have a thing going on with the drummer of the band," Gina says. Bar girl smiles at Dahlia wriggling her eyebrow and pointing between them.

"Do you have a cock?" Dahlia asks.


"Well, that's a shame."

Dahlia looks at Gina with a frown. "Spaghetti arms is in the band?" she asks. Gina sips her cocktail and nods, "yes and his name is Joe. I really like him. He is a drummer and Austin was looking for a new drummer for his band so he offered to give him a try. This will be their first show together," Gina says excitably.

Dahlia does not get Austin. He is in love with Gina but he makes it so easy for other men to get close to her. She would have thought that he would be grumbling in jealous little tantrums and warding off guys that are interested in Gina. Instead, he is making it easy for them to snatch her up. What is wrong with him?

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