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I drove for hours before finally stopping at a motel a few states away. I was tired and hungry.

"Any vacancies?" I asked the clerk.

The older gentleman looked up from his book smiling at me. "Yes ma'am. We have a few. How many beds are you looking for?"

I gave him a light smile back to be nice. "Just one."

He nodded his head as he started typing on his computer. "How many nights?"
"Just one." I replied. I knew one was the maximum. I couldn't stay in a single place for longer then that. Kai would find me easily.

The guy nodded his head smiling at me. "It will be 32 dollars at check out. Check out is 11am." The guy handed me the room key and I muttered a small thank you. I went to my room dropping my bags and closing every blind and locking every door. Thankfully none of the windows opened.

"This will do." I said to myself as I looked around the dingy room. I sighed heavily heading for the bathroom. The shower sucked. The temperature was off and the water pressure was worse then a garden hose. However it would have to do.

I grabbed the telephone book and looking up some place to get something to eat.

"Pizza I suppose."

I grabbed the motel phone on the night stand and I dialed the number listed in the phone book.

"Hi could I order a delivery for the lucky star motel room 12?"

The girl on the other line waisted not a single second. "Absolutely, what can I get for you?"

I took a second then ordered. "Just a cheese pizza and any carbonated drink. Surprise me."

The girl laughed on the phone. "You got it. So that's one large cheese pizza, any drink, for delivery at the lucky star motel room 12?"
"Correct." I answered her.

I only had to wait about twenty minutes before the order was delivered.

"Oh that's good." I said to myself as I took another bite of pizza. I was starving. By my fifth slice I was full as fuck. I closed the pizza and the two liter up as I double checked the blinds and doors. Once I was satisfied is when I finally shut the light off climbing into the hard lumpy bed.

*I wonder what Billy's doing?

I asked myself as I laid awake in bed. I missed him. I hadn't been away from him this long since we had met and I hated it.

*At least the goodbye for college won't hurt. I won't be there.

I thought about Billy and imagined he was beside me in this hard lumpy uncomfortable bed. Honestly it worked too. It's the one thing that helped me finally fall asleep.

"Uhhh ow."

When I woke up my back was killing me. The bed really made my back regret stopping at this particular motel. I climbed out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. After I finished getting ready I finished the pizza and grabbed my things tossing them back into my car.

After a short and smooth checkout I got in my car and started driving again. I did this every single night. A random town, a random motel and whatever food I found in the phone book. It was completely natural to me at this point. I did it every single day for a few weeks.

"Shit. I need to figure out how to get money." I said to myself as I counted out a whole 22 dollars to my name. My gas tank was still filled so that's the one good thing about being so low on money. I drove a few more towns over and picked up an under the table job at a diner. It was a fast and easy way to make money.

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