chapter 1

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I watched the clock as it got closer to the next hour. Looking around the room you could see the excitement in everyone's eyes. It was the end of midterm week and there was a huge party at the Beta's house tonight to celebrate. His son, my boyfriend Lee Kyung, was always home alone. His father was typically away on an errand for my father the Alpha, and Kyung's mother passed when he was young. This meant he was constantly throwing parties.

Alcohol was always abundant and most young wolves didn't know what a limit was yet. I could count on Kyung getting shit faced drunk tonight, it was normal for him. I was never thrilled when he did this and wasn't the biggest fan of his partying ways but he was supposed to be my future mate. Making his lifestyle something I would just need to get used to. Ever since Senior year of high school when he shifted for the first time, he assured me we were mates. Although I had yet to shift, I wasn't sure if he was right. I figured I would at least feel some kind of pull to him. I'd hoped there would be some sort of excitement for the future. But there just wasn't. While I loved him, I wasn't in love with Kyung. When thinking of my future, he wasn't in it. Because of this I had been resistant to go all the way with him. I was determined to wait for my mate and if he really was the one, then he should wait for me. This had been taking a toll on our relationship lately.

He was getting impatient and getting pushier every day. Rightfully so, if I was in fact his mate I was expected to submit to him. Even if my Alpha blood line was stronger than his, females were to do as the male said. It was the natural law of the werewolves. Females supported their mates and produced more wolves to keep blood lines going. I just wasn't sure if this was something I wanted for myself or even agreed with for any she-wolf. So I decided to hold my ground on my decision to be sexually active with him until it was confirmed we were mates when I shifted. Which almost seemed like a lost cause since I was twenty-five and still didn't have my wolf side yet.

"Alright, that's it for class today. Have a nice spring break and be safe every one. I know there's a party at the Beta son's house tonight... so make smart decisions." The professor's voice brought me out of my train of thought. The college was private which made it possible to only have werewolves as students. We didn't worry too much about humans on pack lands. Most of our kind went to college to make it into businesses and politics, in order to keep humans away from us so we could live freely. I was taking classes to eventually be a political figure.

I gathered my books and quickly left the room before anyone could start asking questions about Kyung's party tonight. I wasn't totally against the ocassional parties and liked having a good time myself, but at this point everyone should know how his parties worked. They happened almost every weekend. Starts at eight pm but you really shouldn't show up until nine-thirty if you want it to be in full swing already, there was a mandatory shot at the door, and if you wanted to use a bedroom it was first come first serve but Kyung's and his father's rooms were off limits.

After practically running to Kyung's car to avoid all the repetitive questions, I found him there with my twin brother and his girlfriend already. "Hey sugar. Ready for tonight?" Before I could even respond to him, Kyung pulled me into him and gave me a rough kiss, immediately forcing his tongue into my mouth while his hand gripped my jaw. This is how he always was, a little too aggressive. I pulled away as soon as I saw an opportunity to, "I just have to go get ready. I have to change my outfit."

Iseul, my brother's girlfriend spoke up, "You should wear the new black dress you bought. It makes your boobs look good." Like me, Sang hadn't gotten his wolf side yet so he was dating Iseul without knowing if they were mates. She had shifted already and let him know it was a possibility but she wasn't completely sure. Since Sang and I were twins, we would shift for the first time together. Although since he was older, he would still shift first whether it was a few hours before me or even a few days. Since he couldn't be sure if she was his mate, he dated her because she was attractive. Long legs, long straight hair that reached her waist, petite frame. She looked like my brother's usual type. As soon as she found out that Sang was interested in her, she threw herself at him. Just like most girls did in hopes they were the next Luna of the pack. She was nice enough and we never had any issues, but I'm sure she made herself like my brother.

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