chapter 18

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Jungkook did so much for his pack. After spending a few hours at the orphanage, he visited a few homes of the elderly to make sure they had everything they needed to get by and after we stopped for lunch to discuss issues with the business tycoons of the pack. At this time I learned that he had gone to a human college to major in business, so he handled the pack's finances. To end out the day we met with Namjoon and Hobi to review the pack's defense and border security.

"I'll let Jimin know all the changes we're making during our briefing tomorrow." Hobi was neatly placing papers with their notes into a folder as Namjoon folded up the maps of the pack lands.

"Let me know what he thinks about them. He usually agrees with our decisions but you never know, he could someday shoot something down." Namjoon shrugged as he spoke.

"Not likely, he trusts us." Jungkook added. He turned to me and spoke in a lower voice, "How are you feeling? Tired?"

"No, I'm okay. A little hungry though if I'm being honest." 

He smiled, "I'll take you to go eat. At home? Or do you want to go out?"

"We can just eat something at home, you already bought me lunch. I don't want you to spend more on me for dinner."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, "Don't worry about it. Let me take care of you."

My heart rate sped up with him making contact like this, and from his smirk I knew he could hear it. I cleared my throat before responding, "You really don't have to. As soon as people are more accepting of me being here in the pack, I can get a job so I can pay for myself. I'll save and move out. I can pay you back."

"No." He cut me off immediately.

"Jungkook, I don't want to feel like a nuisance or a burden." I noticed Namjoon and Hobi watching us.

"That's impossible. You'll never be a burden to me. I knew when I brought you here with me that I would be taking care of you. So let me. You deserve to not worry about anything."

I sighed, "Okay." He smiled again and kissed my forehead before letting go of me. My face went red as he pulled away for me to see the other guys smiling.

"Well, I know he wanted to take you out, but Jin texted me and let me know Aurora and Eliana have planned a whole dinner. My mate is begging to meet Y/N." Namjoon's dimples showed with how much he was smiling while mentioning his mate.

"I would love to meet her too. I could probably use a few friends."

Hobi laughed, "Careful what you wish for. Eliana wants everyone to be her friend. She's a one woman welcome committee."

"But everyone loves her. You will too." Jungkook's tattooed hand grabbed for mine for us to head out as he spoke, "At your place, Joon?"

"No, the greenhouse."


"In an hour. Enough time to change into something more comfortable for the evening."

"We'll see you there." He yelled over his shoulder as he led me out of the office. We headed out to the parking lot of the pack building. The whole way there he never let go of my hand. The contact with his skin sent sparks up my arm. I still wondered if he felt the same way in moments like this. But I reminded myself he already had a mate he was waiting for. 

I pushed the thoughts away. I would worry about that when the time came, and instead would enjoy the time with him now, "What's the greenhouse?"

He opened the car door for me as he answered, "It belongs to Aurora. She grows her herbs there mainly. It can act as a safe house if needed as well though. It's protected by her magic. Someone can only enter if you've been invited in by the right person."

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