chapter 27

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"Shh, it's okay, you're okay. I'm here. Jimin and Aurora are on their way." I was so taken over by the pain, I didn't even realize Jungkook coming into my room. He was now in the bed, holding me in his arms, holding a cold rag to my forehead and running his fingers through my hair.

"Jungkook it hurts, it hurts so bad. I want it to stop." I was sobbing. 

"I know it does. You're going to be okay Y/N. You're going to get through this because you're strong. You're so so strong. I promise it'll be over soon."

I kept crying in his arms as every single bone in my body started to break. The first shift was always like this. Every shift after this would happen instantly and painlessly. But right now, my body wasn't used to this.

"How long has it been since she started the shift?"

Jimin? He was here already? Or was I losing track of time?

"About an hour." Jungkook's voice was soothing. It brought me back to reality and took me away from the pain. 

"You should probably leave Jungkook." It was Aurora's voice. 

"No!" I was still crying, "Kookie don't leave me. Please don't go. Stay!"

"I'm not going anywhere, I won't leave you. I'm right here." He was reassuring me. I felt like I couldn't get through this without him.

"How long has it been?" Another voice. There was light coming through the window past the curtains. 

"Eight hours now." Jungkook sounded concerned. Had it really been that long?

"And she still hasn't completed the shift?" That voice again.

"No... she hasn't. Yoongi hyung this isn't normal. I'm worried. Is she going to be alright? I can't lose her." Was Jungkook crying?

"It's different for her, she's different. She's an Alpha and we've never seen a woman shift into an Alpha wolf."

"I'm sure she'll be alright Kook. She's strong." Was that Hobi?

After that, everything was black. Quiet. I didn't feel anything at all. It was peaceful until memories came flooding back to me. 

Sang bullying me when we were kids, Kyung did it too. My father hitting me whenever he was mad. It didn't matter if his anger was towards me or not. My mother withdrawing from me, showing no affection and becoming cold. She was like a lifeless doll. Boys at school trying to date me, and force themselves on me. Kyung always saved me, just to turn around and do it himself. Why was I subjected to this? Why couldn't a live a happy childhood? A simple life? Why did have so much pain? My father... why was he lying to the pack? What was it that made him so evil? When did he become so hungry for power? Someone needed to stop him. I was going to stop him. I was no longer a victim. I would change the werewolf race for the better.

My eyes fluttered open, to see Jimin at my bedside, smiling at me. He moved a strand of hair out of my face.


"You're finally awake. Yoongi thought it was going to be today," he gave out a cute giggle, "He was right like always."

"What day is it? Where's Jungkook?"

"It's Thursday. You started shifting Sunday night. Pretty abnormal for it to take so long but you're special, so it makes sense that you would be anything but normal. As for Jungkook, he volunteered for your hunt tonight."

I sniffed the air, and smelt nothing.

"Aurora gave you the mixture to take away your senses before you officially lost consciousness. I guess you don't remember."

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