chapter 7

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His lips started on mine. They were soft and his taste was intoxicating. I could keep my mouth on his forever. But he had other plans. His lips slowly traveled down my jaw and neck. His mouth left kisses along my collar bones before kissing in my cleavage. As his tongue started to navigate its way down my stomach, his hand ran up my side until it met my breast. He rolled my nipple between his fingers and I whined out in pleasure, which he responded to with a growl. He let his teeth graze my skin right above my panties as his free hand rubbed the covering between my legs. I quickly began closing my legs from the shock of pleasure, but he growled again and pushed my legs back open. He traveled lower and I felt the cold lip ring as he sucked on my inner thigh.

"You ready for this, princess?" He came up and hovered over me and his fingers hooked underneath my panties.

I looked up into those big, warm, doe eyes and nodded. I was ready to give everything to him. 

He brought his lips back to mine and he began to take off my last piece of clothing...

My eyes shot open as the alarm on my phone blared. Eight AM already and time to get ready for class. The few days of break after midterms was over and I had to face everyone today. Besides Kyung and a few of his friends that night at the bar, I hadn't seen anyone since the party. I hadn't had to address the issue about the stranger.

The same stranger I was having explicit dreams about. Very enjoyable, explicit dreams about. This hadn't been the first time. Every time I dreamed of him, it ended with me screaming for him. Today was the first time it had been rudely interrupted. The first few times it happened, I tried to replace his handsome face with Kyung's. I would try to think back to my dreams with my boyfriend in it instead of the man who was completely off limits. But after a few tries, I realized it wasn't working and I gave up. What no one knew wouldn't hurt them anyways.

I had made up with Kyung after our small argument and we were starting to do better. I even figured out how to start becoming physical with him more often again. I did the opposite of what I originally tried with my new dreams.

I would close my eyes whenever we were making out or enjoying some foreplay, and I would imagine the stranger. In doing this I was far more aroused and it made Kyung so much happier. I still hadn't agreed to have sex with him again though. I knew as soon as he penetrated me again the illusion in my mind would be gone. Because surely the man with the doe eyes couldn't be a terrible lover like my boyfriend was.

"Hurry up, Y/N! Kyung will be here in twenty minutes." Sang yelled from the other side of my door.

"Okay, okay!"

I was downstairs sitting at the small table in the kitchen, sipping on my daily morning tea ten minutes later. The tea was a bit spicier than usual and I kept shoving toast in my mouth to balance it out. Binna brought me over some eggs to go with the toast, "Here you go honey, eat up so you do well in class."

"Thank you. The tea is spicy today." I coughed a bit after taking another sip.

"Oh I'm sorry, I must have been a little heavy handed with my secret ingredient this morning."

"It's okay, I appreciate it anyways." I gulped down the rest of the tea and quickly ate the eggs before heading out the door with Sang. He was usually always annoyed about something, but he seemed more irritated than usual. I wasn't going to say anything, but he did anyway.

 "If anyone asks about that man you left the party with, you deny everything and tell them he was trying to take advantage of you. Tell them that he threatened to harm you if you didn't go with him. Then you tell them you saw an opportunity to run away from him and dad heard you screaming so he came and found you. And tell people you have no clue where he went after that. Do not say anything more."

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