chapter 35

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The waves crashed around my legs, and the wind was in my wild hair. I had been expecting the water to be icy cold but it was surprisingly warm. It was just a salty as it was made out to be too.
Jungkook stood a few feet away from me, smiling as he watched me experience the ocean for the first time. The rest of the guys, with the exception of Yoongi, were wrestling in the water. I looked back at the beach to see Bangchan speaking with Aurora. I couldn't hear them past the roaring water though. But her relaxed demeanor let me know she didn't mind the conversation.

"So, how do you like it?" Jungkook came closer to me.

"I love it. It feels so.... free." The ocean was everything I never thought I could be. Strong, unpredictable, careless, an entity all of its own. I had read the only thing the waves followed was the moon. Jungkook was my moon. He allowed me to be free.

"Want to go in more? It's fun to swim under the waves out further, before they crash."

"I don't know how to swim. I was never taught."
"That wasn't a part of training?" He sounded surprised.

"It is... but not for a female. I would have never been allowed to leave the pack lands anyways."
He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, "I'll teach you how to swim. And then once you can, we'll come back and you can really experience the waves."

"I'd like that."

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Bangchan joined us in the water, "but I must say, as much as I have enjoyed your company, it may be time to head back home. I think Y/N is going to be in a compromising position very soon."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your heat." Jungkook spoke, knowing exactly what Alpha Bangchan was referring to.

"Yes. You're scent was strong when you arrived, but it's only gotten stronger. It's attracting some attention as well."

We looked up at the pack house where we saw a handful of men stealing glances at us. Jungkook's arms tightened around me as he gave a warning growl.

"I'm sure you've noticed her scent is much stronger than a normal she-wolf and I don't want things to turn ugly when primal instincts take over. But please, come back as soon as you all can. You're welcome any time." And with that he left our sides, warning the other men to leave immediately.

"That's our cue to go." Jungkook kept a protective arm around me as we headed back to the sand.

They were right, my heat was coming. We were about half way home when I started feeling my skin get hot. I was starting to cramp up and shortly afterwards the headache started. My only saving grace was my mate next to me, wrapping me in his embrace. Jungkook was trying to keep as much skin on skin contact with me as we could while we weren't alone. He softly nuzzled the marking spot on my neck, distracting me from the pain that was gradually starting to increase.

"We're almost home, and then I'll take care of you. Just hang in a bit longer." He whispered.

"I'm okay right now. You're helping."

Yoongi's phone started ringing, "Weird. It's Jimin."

"I can still see them in the car right behind us. I wonder what's going on." Hobi sounded concerned as he continued driving. I knew he was a bit on edge. We were on unclaimed territory and my scent was too strong. We could be attacked by a stray following my smell. But that wasn't the only threat we could face.

Yoongi answered the phone, putting it on speaker for all of us to hear, "What's wrong Jimin?"

"We have company! It's one of those monsters! They must have picked up on Y/N's scent." As soon as Jimin was done talking, Hobi slammed on the brakes. Looking out the front windshield I saw another of the terrible beasts.

Jungkook growled, "It's not the only one Jimin! Can Aurora put a protective spell on us?"

"She already has. They can't see us, but they can still smell her!"

Suddenly, the car was hit from the side, and the car rolled.

Hello everyone!
Thank you for your patience and continued support for this story. I haven't given up on it! Hopefully I am past the writers block and I can work on this more now. I can not promise updates regularly due to a busy schedule but I'm going to try my hardest!
Please look forward to more updates and enjoy the story!

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