chapter 2

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The spring night air had a slight chill as I walked home. There was a light breeze that would make the trees rustle. The only other sound was the quiet footsteps of the stranger's boots behind me. He kept his distance but made sure I didn't get too far ahead. We hadn't spoken any words since we left Kyung's house. Considering my words were still slurring and I still needed to concentrate on not falling, I didn't mind the silence. But this also left me alone with some of my thoughts.

Kyung tried to force himself on me. It was normal for guys to take and get what they wanted, but my own boyfriend had usually respected my boundaries. Although it was something we constantly fought about, he never physically went farther than what I was okay with. I wasn't sure if I was scared of him, but things definitely would no longer be the same. I was a bit worried this would become a reoccurring incident.

The other thought included the handsome man making sure I got home. Everyone at the party saw us leave together. The rumors were probably already flying. I'm sure they were already calling me a harlot and talking about how I was the worst she-wolf. I could hear all their voices now telling me I should never humiliate Kyung by leaving with another man. Especially when I don't even know that man's name.

Who was this man? Even though our pack was one of the largest, I still knew everyone in it. But this man I had never seen. It was rare for new wolves to join our pack as well. My father didn't take well to newcomers and hardly ever took in a rogue. Not unless he thought they would be beneficial to us. Maybe my father did allow this man in as a new pack member. He was tall and muscular. I could see how defined his chest was through his black t-shirt. His arms were toned and I was sure I could imagine his abs were the same exact way. His legs also looked strong. Thick thighs and muscular calves, sure to be good for running long distances. From the looks of his human form, his wolf form had to be impressive. He would do well as a Warrior or Hunter for the pack.

If he was allowed in because he was deemed useful, the high ranked males would not be happy with him once they heard the events of tonight. Males shouldn't be involved with another wolf and his mate. It was up to the male mate to decide how the relationship would go and how issues would be dealt with within it. He got in the way of mine and there would probably be some consequence for it. Why would this man I didn't even know risk losing his spot in our pack just to help me?

With my thoughts running in so many different directions I forgot to concentrate on walking in heels while I was drunk. My ankle twisted and I started to fall forward. I would have landed face first if it wasn't for the strong arms that caught my waist. He pulled me up and my back hit his hard, chisled chest. My heart fluttered as my body was engulfed in his warmth. I shouldn't feel any of this towards this man who wasn't my mate. I should have stayed with Kyung and let him take me all the way tonight. It was what was expected of me after I upset him so badly. But he didn't feel right. Nothing with him ever did. Unlike everything feeling right with this stranger.

"Are you okay?" It was the first time I heard his voice since Kyung's room and my skin raised in goosebumps all over again.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine." I was trying to not think about the arms that were still embracing me. I'm sure he just wanted to make sure I was stable enough to stand and walk on my own. But a part of me wanted to think he enjoyed the feeling of me in his arms just as much as I did.

"Can you walk?"

"I'll be fine." As I spoke these words, he let go of me and stepped back, confirming that he was only holding me to make sure I didn't fall.

"It's a good thing we are almost at the Alpha house. You need to sleep all this alcohol off. Don't you know your limits?"

He must have been a new pack member if he knew his way around, "For your information, I didn't particularly have a great day. I was drinking to try and forget so I could just have a good time."

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