chapter 30

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"You may now kiss your bride!" Jimin told Namjoon proudly, "It's my honor to introduce, Mr. And Mrs. Kim!" 

Everyone in the garden began clapping, and cheers erupted when Namjoon picked up Eliana to carry her back down the aisle. Jin offered his arm to Aurora, and then Jungkook offered me his.

As we walked out of the garden, he leaned into me, "You are breathtaking Y/N. The most beautiful woman here."

"Isn't that supposed to be the bride?" I teasingly asked him.

"It should be, but that's impossible with you here," he kissed my cheek, "I missed you last night."

We finally made it out of the sight of all the guests. Away from everyone's eyes, I threw myself into Jungkook's arms, breathing in his scent. He squeezed me tight and nuzzled into my neck.
Someone cleared their throat next to us and we looked up to see Jimin and Yoongi.

"I know we are at a wedding but we need to celebrate the two of you soon as well." Jimin's eyes turned into little moons as he smiled, "I'm so glad everything has worked out for you both."

"I'm surprised to find no marks." Yoongi lifted a brow at the both of us. 

"We haven't talked about it yet and something like marking each other is very serious. I want us to both be ready for it. I want Y/N to be one hundred percent comfortable. It's not something I'm taking lightly or rushing into." Jungkook spoke up, still not letting go of me. 

I appreciated how much he had thought about this. Kyung wanted to mark me before I had even shifted, to place his claim on me. Jungkook wanted it to be something special. 

"Yes, you two do what's best for you. We're going to go find the bride and groom now, before they get into any trouble. Y/N, save a dance for me." Jimin's smile was so sincere and I could tell he really was happy for us. 

But as I looked away from him, and my eyes drifted over to Tae, it was the exact opposite of a smile. I needed to figure out how I could convince him to trust me.

The party for the wedding was beautiful, with twinkling lights and bonsai trees on every table. Music and alcohol flowed freely and everyone was in a great mood. 

Jungkook hadn't let go of me since he got his hands on me earlier. At the table while we ate, one arm stayed on my thigh or around my waist. Any time either of us got up to leave the table, the other would follow and we would stay hand in hand. We enjoyed some dancing as well. Every time someone came up to greet us there would be congratulations, but still some women seemed a bit bitter. While it rubbed me the wrong way, it also boosted my ego. Jungkook was mine, and no matter how much attention other women were trying to give to him, his focus and eyes stayed on me.

But I also felt bad about the attention given to the two of us while we were at our friends' wedding. The attention should be on them, this was their celebration. Even though Eliana assured me they didn't mind and they were just as happy for us as everyone else.

"Jungkook, can I steal Y/N for a dance?" Jimin bounced up to us, his usual bright smile on his face.

"Of course that's fine with me. Y/N?"

I kissed Jungkook on the cheek before taking Jimin's arm so he could lead me to the dance floor.
We swayed to the music, taking turns spinning each other and giggling. Jimin was actually an exquisite dancer once he tried though. His body flowed with the music and he stayed in perfect rhythm. 

"I am very happy you and Jungkook have each other. It took a long time for him to open up to anyone once we lost our parents. And then when Yejun found her mate, I was extremely worried he would close up again. But when he told me about you... I've never seen his eyes sparkle so brightly. He was like a boy falling in love for the first time. And you really are a great person. I'm glad he has you."

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