chapter 31

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There was a scent in the forest surrounding the Golden Moon pack lands. It smelt horrible, rancid, like a corpse. Yet something was still familiar about it, there was the underlying smell of my old pack scent.

Jungkook and I were running as wolves, easily keeping up with each other. He didn't fight me at all when I came with him to protect the pack. I knew he trusted and believed in me. He knew I was able to handle myself in a fight. I appreciated his faith. Jungkook acknowledging how strong I was made me feel even stronger, which was needed now as I got closer and closer to the horrible smell. I couldn't ignore the small bit of anxiety and fear I was feeling. I was afraid my father's pack had found me.

There was movement in my peripheral vision. Something large was hurdling towards me. Jungkook noticed as well because we both dodged out of the way before it could collide with us. The horrid smell smacked me in the face, and it was a smell that matched the image in front of me. This creature was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was almost a wolf, but stood on two legs, with long lanky arms. There was no thick, healthy, long fur. Instead there were uneven patches of hair against rough, dry skin. There was a long snout that held sharp razor teeth, saliva dripping down onto its lengthy neck. Completely black eyes stared at us while it's human like ears twitched, picking up the sounds around us.

It howled a terrifying noise that sounded more like a wail before it came running at the two of us, swinging it's knife-like claws.

Jungkook and I both jumped in opposite directions, away from each other in order to circle around the creature. It was faster than expected though, and knew exactly what we were trying to do. It spun around and slashed my chest with its claws. My yelp made Jungkook growl and he snapped at the beast as it was retracting its arm. 

He was latched on as the creature flung his arm, throwing Jungkook against a large tree. I heard his ribs snap and a soft whimper come from him. The beast started making his way towards him as he struggled to get up in pain. I ignored my own and ran after the beast, jumping onto his back and digging my teeth into its shoulder. It let out the terrible wail noise again before reaching back and trying to grab me. It's claws were tearing at my skin but I refused to let go. I needed to keep him distracted and away from Jungkook. 

Luckily I saw other wolves finding us. I recognized Tae's black and white wolf helping Jungkook stand. As I was distracted, the creature was able to get a good hold of me and throw me to the ground. Tae's head snapped over to me and he took a step forward, as if he was going to help me. Jimin's white wolf jumped in before Tae could though, blocking me with his own body and snapping at the beast. I recognized Hobi's golden brown wolf and Namjoon's grey wolf run up from behind, grabbing onto each of the beast's legs and pulling in down backwards. As it fell, it was able to reach under Jimin, grabbing a hold of my leg and dragging me with him. 

There was angry barking before I saw Jungkook coming towards us. He latched onto the creature's neck and ripped it out. But it didn't stop, even with its blood pouring out. Luckily the injury did slow it down. 

The beast let go of me, reaching for Jungkook as Tae came to help him fight it off, the two of them taking turns with Jimin, Hobi and Namjoon as they all made attacks. But nothing was stopping the beast. 

I had an idea, but it was risky. I would need my hands, and for that I needed to become vulnerable and shift. I needed to go right for the beast's life source. I needed to go for the heart. 

I shifted, ignoring the stinging all over my skin from the scratches and ran to the beast. 

Jungkook growled and tried to get to me, to stop me from making it to the beast. Jimin quickly intercepted him, letting me make my attack. 

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