chapter 20

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Once we made it to the training field in town, Namjoon immediately grabbed Jungkook by the back of his neck and marched him over to the rest of the men training. I was surprised to see numerous women as well. Back home, my mother and I were the only females who trained. I wondered if these girls were also Warriors or if they just wanted to know how to defend themselves. 

"Y/N, over here!" Eliana enthusiastically waved her arms so I could see her and Aurora sitting off to the side. 

On my way over to them I saw a girl jog up to Jungkook. She had a slender, athletic build with amazingly black, long hair and soft features. He smiled when he greeted her before she wrapped her arms around him for a hug. It only lasted a second but it was long enough to give me a tight feeling in my chest. I couldn't understand why I was jealous but I wanted her away from him. 

"Who's that?" I quietly asked the girls as I made it to the bleachers they were sitting on. 

"Who?" Eliana whipped her head to the field and immediately saw what I was looking at. 

"The one talking with Jungkook?" Aurora asked. 

I just nodded in response. I couldn't take my eyes off the two of them. I felt the need to go to him, to throw my own arms around him. I wanted him to pull me into his embrace so she would think he was uninterested. 

But then I reminded myself, he had a mate. He wasn't mine to claim and have. He was free to speak to whoever he chose because he was single. I had no right to push anyone out of the way, because she might very well be his mate.

"That's Yejun, Jungkook's ex-girlfriend."

"His ex?" My eyes finally left the two of them and met Eliana's as she spoke. 

"Yeah, they dated as teens and then tried again once they were older. But she found her mate about a year ago and that was the end of that."

So she wasn't his mate. But I still didn't like this girl around him. I again mentally kicked myself. I needed to remember he wasn't mine.

"Oh okay. I was just curious."

"Sure you were." Eliana and Aurora were both giving me a knowing look.

"You were definitely jealous. You probably still are." Aurora laughed.

"Why would I be? I have no reason."

"You have every reason. You want him." Eliana stated it matter of factly. 

"No! That's not true!" I felt the heat in my cheeks as I turned red.

"Just admit it!"

"It's okay. Every woman in this pack is interested. Even the two of us." Aurora whispered so Eliana's mate wouldn't overhear us. But from the glare Namjoon shot our way, it wasn't quiet enough. The three of us laughed. 

"It's nothing like that. Jungkook is a friend who's helped me a lot. But that's it. He has a mate he's waiting for."

"And? He is single till then. And we heard about his offer last night." Eliana wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Who told you?!"

"Yoongi and Jimin." They said it at the same time. 

I rolled my eyes, "Great."

Just as I sat down next to them, Yejun walked over to us, "Goodmorning, I'm Yejun, a friend of Jungkook's. He's told me a lot about you so I just wanted to introduce myself. If you need anything, please let me know. I would be more than happy to help."

I immediately felt terrible. This girl was nothing but nice and welcoming, while I was ready to shred into her for just giving Jungkook a hug. 

"Oh... thank you. That's nice of you."

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