chapter 28

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We walked hand in hand, taking our sweet time, back to the front of the greenhouse. He kept lifting my hand to his lips, to place small kisses on the back. Sometimes he would stop us completely so he could pull me into his embrace, showering me with kisses. I laughed at how we were almost getting nowhere. At this rate it would take us all night to get home.

We made it outside of the greenhouse into the crisp air. Being in the mountains, it was much cooler at night than where I was from. I found my brother drifting into my thoughts more than I would have liked tonight. Had he shifted as well already? Did he always know he wasn't the Alpha? Or did it take him by surprise when he didn't have Alpha eyes? How was my father feeling, knowing that if my brother had shifted, I had done so as well? A part of me was ready to go back and show everyone how strong I was now. I wanted them to see they hadn't beat me. They couldn't stop me from living my life and following the path I was meant to take. But at the same time, I hoped Sang was okay. At the end of day we were still twins, we were still connected. I hoped that my father hadn't turned all his anger on him. Another person I worried about was my mother, I didn't completely blame her for the lack of love I received. I knew it was my father that turned her cold. Horrible things probably happened to her too. I would try to help them. The only ones I wanted dead was my father, and Kyung. 

"Hey, where's your head at? You're quiet." Jungkook pulled me from my thoughts. He stopped our walking and his fingers traced my hips. 

"I was thinking about Sang. He should have shifted as well." It came out so quiet. Would Jungkook be upset that I was thinking about someone who aided in all the harm done to me?

"I'm sure he has shifted. I would expect you to still think about him from time to time. After all, you are twins. I wonder if your wolves are connected somehow. I've never actually come across twins before. In fact, I believe Yoongi mentioned once that twin werewolves were extremely rare."

"Why was Yoongi talking about twin wolves?"

He smiled, "I was telling everyone about you. When I first brought you back here, more than just Tae were worried and a little against it. At first, I didn't want anyone to know you were my mate. Tae was actually the first to know, he kept questioning why I would go see you. Tried to tell me we would never work. But he was wrong, you were the exact opposite of your family. Once you were here, I needed to tell the others you were my mate. They've known the whole time. So with that, I explained to them how it was for you back there. The twin thing just happened to be one of the details given."

"So you're not upset that I'm thinking of Sang?"

"Of course not. He's still your brother. I would honestly be concerned if you didn't think of him. I won't lie to you, Sang is one of our targets. But I don't expect you to have any part of that if you don't want to. I don't want you to become a monster like them and I don't want you to hate me because of what I have to do."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, "I want Kyung and my father dead, but I don't think Sang is as guilty as it seems. I just can't bring myself to think that."

His eyes searched mine, "And why is that?"

"I don't know. It's just a feeling I have. I really can't explain it. Can you trust me?"

He sighed, "I do trust you. But I've only known hate in my heart for him."

"If the opportunity comes, can you give him a chance?"

Jungkook was quiet, looking past me as he was deep in thought, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. "Fine. I'll give him a chance, for you. But I can't promise the guys will feel the same way," He finally spoke. 

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