chapter 21

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Later that night, once Jungkook and I were both home, he was teaching me how to cook. He said we would start with something simple like ramen with all of the inclusions. My shoulder was fully healed and I felt no pain, but he still wasn't letting me reach high for anything.

It was comfortable with him. We were making small conversation and laughing as he showed me how to slice the veggies and season the meat. He taught me how to make the perfect egg. Everything came out delicious.

While cleaning he asked me how my day went with Aurora and Eliana. 

"It was fun. Eliana took us to a spa and then we had lunch and this cute cafe in town. They did a little shopping."

"Did you buy anything?"

"No, I don't have my own money and I didn't want to use yours."
"You don't have to worry about that."

"It's okay, Jungkook. I have everything I need anyways."

He shot me a short glare before he continued scrubbing dishes.
"Eliana also asked me to a bridesmaid in the wedding."

"I'm glad you're getting along with the two of them. And I'm one of the groomsmen," he gave me a flirty smile, "So how about you be my date?"

I laughed, "As long as your mate doesn't shift by then, I'd love to be your date."

He put the dishes down and turned to trap me between himself and the counter. His hands rested on the counter top as he pushed himself against me so I could feel all of him. His rock hard chest and abs, his solid thighs, and the hint of his arousal. He brought his face down so his lips barely brushed against mine as he spoke, "Don't worry about that. We will cross that bridge when the time comes, but until then I can do what I want with who I want. And right now, I want you."

My heart rate was picking up and I was tingling between my legs. All I really wanted was for him to take me here and now. I wanted him to leave hickies and bite marks across my skin as he gave me a night full of rough pleasure. But I was afraid of how attached I would be after a passionate night with him. I was already falling hard and I already felt jealous whenever anyone was near him. 

"Jungkook... trust me, I want you too. But I don't want to get attached. You have someone out there. I'm scared of getting hurt."

"You're not going to get hurt."

"But I will. When I see you with someone else I'm already jealous."
"Then do something about it. Make your claim on me."

"You're not mine to claim."

"I can be."

"And what if I do it to your future mate?"

He paused, "You'll see eventually that you shouldn't worry about this. I'm going to tell you again... I want you." He placed a tender kiss on my forehead, "We should both go to bed and get some rest. Also, Jimin would like to speak with you tomorrow."

I froze, "Am I in trouble for today?"

"Of course not. Brett challenged you, it wasn't the other way around. Don't think about it too much." There was another kiss on my forehead, "Goodnight."

That night, I couldn't sleep while thinking about the words "I want you".

"Good morning, Y/N! Sleep well?" Jimin was bright and bubbly like usual. His office smelt like coffee from the fresh pot he had made. Although we both had a cup at home, Jungkook did not hesitate to pour himself another.

"I didn't get much sleep actually. But I'll be fine."

Jimin looked back and forth between the two of us. "It's nothing like that, hyung." Jungkook didn't even need to look up from his coffee to know that Jimin was looking at us. 

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