Chapter 36

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The sky was beneath us when the car stopped rolling. Although we had stopped moving, I felt as if I was still spinning. The ringing sound was making everything more disorienting as I tried to assess the situation.

Yoongi had freed himself from his seat already and was trying his best to pull his mate from the car. There was blood, too much blood. I turned to my own mate, who looked to be just as disoriented as I was.

I reached out and grabbed his hand, making his eyes snap to mine. And that was all we needed. Everything started moving quickly as we both ripped ourselves from the seatbelts and climbed out. It was just in time before the car was thrown.
"Watch out!" Jungkook yelled at me right before a claw started to come down, threatening to shred into my skin.

As I got to my feet to defend myself, Jimin's white wolf flew right into the beast. He bit into its chest, pulling out its heart. Any life in the beast was long gone as it shifted back into the remains of a young teenage boy. Again it was one I had seen around the pack. Another that hadn't shifted yet when I had left.

"There's two more!" Aurora yelled as she sat next to Yoongi, trying her best to heal Hobi's wounds, "We need to get home quickly, Hobi needs more than what I can provide!"

"They're just going to follow us. They're after me," I looked to Jimin's wolf, "All of you need to get out of here. Is your car still drivable?" His wolf nodded. "Good, be safe."

"Where do you think you're going?" Jungkook growled.

"I'm going to run the other way far enough so they can get out of here."

"I'm going with you."

I knew there was no talking him out of it, and the fire spreading through my body didn't want to fight him on the matter either. My heat was still starting and having him would be the only thing to help me when it became overbearing.

A haunting howl came from the trees around us, "We have to go, now!" I yelled.

As Jungkook and I started to shift, the monsters came into view. Running straight to me.

"Let's get out here! They'll be okay!" I heard Jimin yelling at Yoongi and Aurora. I looked back to see Yoongi carry his mate to the car Jimin had brought around, right before I picked up my speed, drawing the beasts away from them.

"Follow me, I have a plan. But stick close, this could be a dangerous idea and I don't want anything happening to you!" Jungkook spoke into my mind.

"Where are we going?"

"Towards the humans."

We ran for about an hour and it was starting to take a toll on me. My body was on fire and Jungkook's scent was driving me crazy. I wanted nothing more than to stop and be with my mate. But the monsters stayed on our heels the entire time. I wasn't sure how we were going to lose them, and I didn't have the strength in me to fight.

"Careful, watch your surroundings. We're in human territory." Jungkook warned.

"How much further do we have before we make it to wherever we're going? I don't know how much longer I can run like this."

"Just a bit longer. You can do this."

And so we kept going. But I knew I was slowing down. The beasts behind us were getting closer. Too close.

One swiped its claws at my legs, causing my wolf to fall and roll. Jungkook immediately turned on it, snapping at its neck. He stood over me, covering my body with his own as the beast gnashed its teeth.

Before it could sink its teeth into Jungkook, a silver arrow hit it straight in the heart.

"Shit, Hunters. Run Y/N!"

We wasted no time before running again. I heard the hollers of the humans, the engines of their cars driving through the trees. They killed one of the beasts, but it didn't make us less of a target. "Where did the other monster go?" I kept looking around. Was it possible the hunters already killed the other one? Did it retreat after the arrival of a new threat?

"I don't smell it anymore. I think it took off. We only have a little further until we get to a city. I have a friend who lives there, we can lay low for a while. We can take care of you then."

And he was right, another ten minutes of running and we hit the edge of the forest. We kept to the trees to hide as we ran past neighborhoods. I could see the skyline of the buildings past all the homes. I had never been this close to humans before.

"I think we lost the hunters. We're almost there babygirl. I promise."

It wasn't before long we stopped at a small house. As soon as we entered the backyard, a tall, muscular man came out. He lifted his nose to the air and inhaled deeply. His eyes flashed gold. "Kook, who the hell is this?" And he took a step towards us, eyes flashing gold again.

I stayed behind Jungkook as he shifted, "Mingyu, this is my mate, Y/N. She's started her heat but we were being chased. We're a long way from home, I need somewhere I can protect her until her heat passes. Can I trust you?"

This friend of Jungkook's looked back and forth between the two of us, "You finally found your mate. Why is her scent so... strong? Everything in my body is screaming at me to mate her."

Jungkook growled, "I can explain everything later. But now, I need to take care of her. Please, you're one of my oldest friends."

Mingyu's eyes flashed gold again, "I'll go stay at a friend's place for a few days," his eyes lingered on me, and I could see the internal battle he was having with himself, "let me know when it's safe to be around her again."

"Thank you, friend."

Her Luna (Jungkook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now