chapter 23

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We walked through the front door and Jungkook gripped my waist, pulling me to his solid body. Our lips collided hungrily as I wasted no time taking his jacket off of him, and pulling his shirt over his head. As soon as it was off, his arms wrapped around me again. I greedily ran my hands along his abs as his hand slid down my body to grab my ass. He landed a hard smack on it and I moaned into his mouth and received his smirk against my lips.

My hands traveled his chest, behind his neck and up into his long, wavy, messy, black hair. Jungkook grabbed behind my thighs and lifted me, my legs immediately wrapping around his slim waist. Since he was holding me, I was slightly above him, so I pulled on his hair cranking his neck back as our tongues fought for dominance. He growled in approval as I tugged on his hair.
He started walking further into the house, stopping in the living room. He dropped me onto the couch and I giggled as I bounced while landing. He knelt in front of me and used his hands to spread my legs open so he could position himself between them. He stated assaulting my neck with hot, open mouthed kisses. I felt his hands slowly rub up my thighs to my abdomen, where they slipped under the shirt I was still wearing. His hands kept searching up my body until he found my breasts. Once he found what he was looking for he grabbed them and squeezed, applying a gentle pressure while his mouth sucked on a spot of my neck, surely creating a large hickey. There would be no hiding it from our friends.

His hands had snuck behind me and undid my bra. He pulled it out from under my shirt before his hands grasped my breasts again. I arched my back, pressing my chest into his hands even more as I let out a whine. 

He kissed me hard before he pulled away to finally take the shirt off of me. Afterwards he wasted no time pulling my jeans down, leaving me in just panties. He paused and slowly admired my body. He looked hungry, like he was eyeing his prey. Jungkook watched as the goosebumps rose on my skin and he smiled in satisfaction. 

He came back down and attached his mouth to my breast, while his hand grabbed the other one, rolling my nipple between his fingers. The kisses he started placing down my stomach tickled because of his piercing. I couldn't contain the little laugh that escaped through my lips, but he laughed in return. My laughter didn't last long once his mouth met my clothed core. I gasped out as he ran his tongue along the material.

A deep growl came from his chest as I started to squirm, "Stay still."

I was panting and my heart was racing as he kept teasing me. A light pressure was applied to my clit and he started to run as his mouth moved to my thighs. He left small bites on my skin and he started rubbing faster. I felt like I was climbing, chasing a high. Sinful noises were spilling past my lips and getting louder the closer I got to my release. I could feel the knot building. This wasn't anything I had ever experienced before with Kyung. 

It was now I realized I always convinced myself anything we did was enjoyable. Now I could see everything was always about him. Kyung never brought me to the edge like this. And he definitely didn't push me over like Jungkook was now. 

It was almost uncomfortable how wet my panties were. Red spread across my cheeks as Jungkook gave me a cocky smirk while he slid his fingers underneath the only article of clothing on me. 

"You're not done yet baby girl. I want to hear more of those beautiful noises you're making."

My face was on fire. I had never made so much noise in my life, but I couldn't help it now. My body was sensitive under Jungkook's touch. 

The panties were slid down my legs leaving me completely bare in front of his eyes. Gold flashed in Jungkook's eyes before he flattened his tongue against me, lapping up all of my juices with one long lick. A guttural moan came from me as two fingers entered me. They curled and scissored inside making me whine even more. 

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