chapter 29

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The next morning was full of cuddling before Jungkook made me breakfast in bed. After that was more cuddling and more sex. I was addicted to this man, and quite literally couldn't get enough of him. He was also insatiable, always ready for another round. It was going to be impossible for me to separate from him. But it was the day before the wedding, and all of the girls were staying with Eliana and the guys were going out with Namjoon. Eventually we needed to get out of this bed. I decided to be the one to attempt to pull away, to wash the smell of sex off of me before seeing the girls.

Jungkook though, was not ready to let me go somewhere without him, "I can shower with you. I'll wash your hair." He came up behind me as I turned the hot water on, moving my hair to the side, trailing kisses from my shoulder, up my neck and to my jaw. He gave me small bites making tingles run through my body. I wanted him to join me in the shower because I didn't want to be away from him yet either, but I knew we would only travel from the shower back to the bed and I would be late. 

"We both know what will happen if you come shower with me. And then we'll both be late and both parties will be upset." I closed my eyes and leaned back on him as he sucked on the spot that would someday wear his mark. 

He chuckled as he pulled away from my skin, "I think they'll understand."

"I think so too, but they don't need to. This is Namjoon and Eliana's night before their big day. We can make it one night."

"I don't think I can."

I laughed, "We have to try. Just think about how good the sex will be once we see each other again tomorrow."

He smirked, "Well since you put it that way, I guess I'm okay waiting."

"I'll make sure it's worth the wait." 

He landed a smack on my ass as I pulled away, "I'm sure you will." He chuckled and then left the room.

My shower was quick as I was already running behind time. I knew the girls wouldn't be upset, but with the amount of hickies on my skin, being late would give them more to tease me about. I was already prepared for all of the questions they were going to ask. Hopefully I'd be able to turn the conversation back onto the topic of the bride. But Eliana was more than likely going to insist I spill all the details first. 

The bridal party was throwing a classic sleepover. At first I was a bit nervous, as I had never had a sleepover before. I wasn't allowed to have friends over after dark and I was never allowed to go over to anyone else's house at night either. Although Sang had always been free to go with his friends whenever he wanted. Looking back now, I'm sure my father just didn't want me to miss my morning dose of wolfsbane. Or even worse, share it with a friend in the morning. Every rule and restriction put in place for me was just so he could keep control of me. I was kept weak and compliant. Thinking back on everything now would just make me angry. 

There was a time for me to be angry. Tonight was not it. So I pushed it aside as I finished getting ready.

As I was finishing the final touches on some light makeup, I paused to take a look at my wolf eyes. They were a bright, blood red. I felt some anxiety. I had no clue how to be an Alpha, I was never taught anything like my brother was. Even if he was taught wrong, at least he had some idea not what he had to do. I was going to be leading blind. On top of that, it wasn't just a pack I had to lead, but all the werewolves. How was I supposed to gain all of their trust? Our kind was so divided, always at war with each other, killing one another and stealing land, money and even whole packs all together. What was going to make Alphas give up some of their authority and hand it over to me? Especially being a female. I'm sure my family were not the only ones who believed Alphas could only be men. I knew I was going to get push back and it was frightening.
Fingers tenderly gripped my waist, his chest meeting my back as he rested his chin on my shoulder. We made eye contact in the mirror. 

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