chapter 32

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I couldn't believe it. Where did my father find a witch? Had he always been in contact with one and I didn't know it? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. It would be another secret added to the list. 

Jin rushed to Aurora's side, pulling her away from the body as she clutched at her hand, as if it was burning. Magic was so new to me, and I had no idea how it worked. I didn't even understand everything Aurora could do. What made magic dark? 

"Aurora... how is the magic dark?" I asked quietly. 

"Magic comes from the earth and our inner spirits when it's pure and light. But dark magic... it's more powerful but at a cost. Usually by giving up your soul to dark forces and spirits, making a deal with an ancestor full of hate and anger, ancient artifacts full of bad energy, and many other terrible ways. But for a witch who practices pure magic like me, it's painful. Unless I give in to the darkness. That's all dark magic wants, it wants more power. The more witches that use it, the stronger it becomes."

"You talk about it as if it's a living thing." Namjoon stated.

"Because magic is very much alive, but it can not be killed. Only transferred or trapped." Aurora finally relaxed, making sure to stay far away from the body on the table.

"So what do we do now? They're just going to continue making whatever these things are and they're going to keep coming. I saw him go after Y/N. They're hunting her." Jungkook wrapped a protective arm around me.

"If you would have never brought her here then we wouldn't be in this mess." Tae growled from the corner. 

"That's enough, Taehyung!" Jimin snapped, "She is Jungkook's mate. She has fought beside us. She helps around the pack. She is a friend to all of us but you. It's time you accept her. She is your brother's mate! She belongs here." 

"Why should I accept her just because she's someone's mate?" Tae responded.

"She's not just someone's mate. It's Jungkook, you're younger brother. The two of you used to be so close. What happened to that?" Jimin sounded irritated, and worse he sounded disappointed. 

"What happened? You want to know what happened? He turned his back on us. He chose her, the daughter of our enemy. I told him they shouldn't be together."

"And why not?" I finally spoke up.

"It isn't right. You're the enemy."

"No. I'm no enemy of yours, Taehyung. My father is your enemy. He's my enemy. I am not my father."

"I'm not the only one on this pack who is upset about her presence."

"Then you tell them they can come speak to me. I will deal with them." Jimin growled.

"They're afraid to speak up because you've sided with the enemy, brother." Tae's eyes were glowing. 

"She isn't the enemy, brother." The title was laced with venom as it left Jungkook's lips.

"I don't care what any of you say. I won't fall for her tricks. Until she's gone, I won't continue coming to aide in your sides. Consider me a normal pack member, I give up my rank. She can take my place instead." And with that, he stormed out of the morgue.

"Jimin... Jungkook... I never wanted to come in between your family." I spoke softly. Everyone around us was quiet. Jungkook pulled me into his arms, calmly shushing me.

"You haven't come in between us, Y/N. This is all on Taehyung. You are my family now just like he is. If he wants to act like a child, he can. We'll be here still when he's ready to accept you the way we have." Jimin spoke confidently. There was no hint of doubt in his mind that I belonged here with them.

"Tae is just sensitive and doesn't trust easily. He needs more time than the rest of us." Yoongi added in.

"I do think we need to get back to the problem at hand though." Hobi redirected the conversation, back to the threat of more beasts attacking the pack.

"We should warn Alpha Bangchan. We'll visit his pack tomorrow, tell him what we know, see if there have been anymore attacks on his pack. Maybe we can lend Warriors to each other." Jimin looked at Jungkook and I, "the two of you will accompany Hobi and I."

"Shouldn't I go as well? I can coordinate with their lead Warrior." 

"No Namjoon, you enjoy your honeymoon with your new wife. We can handle things here for the two weeks you're gone. I don't think an attack will happen too soon. They'll be weary. After all Y/N did take this thing out." Jimin smiled proudly.

"I would like to come with you as well. Maybe I can pick up magic traces on his pack lands, see if it was used there. Might give me a little more information on what we're dealing with." Aurora was still standing far from the body. 

"Don't hurt yourself." Jin's eyes were full of concern for his mate.

She kissed his cheek before assuring him that she would be fine. 

"Everyone head home and get some rest. It's been a long day." Jimin urged everyone to leave.

Jungkook wasted no time in taking my hand and walking beside me. Once outside, the crisp air ran through his hair, carrying more of his scent to me. Any worry or stress I had was gone for the moment, while I was wrapped up in the presence of him.

"Let's go home. We have a long day tomorrow." He shifted quickly, trotting away. I shifted and followed after him. Soon we were racing home, making a game and seeing who would get there first. While Jungkook was still stronger than me, I was faster. I beat him by just enough time for me to shift back onto two legs. As I opened the door to our home, he rushed me inside, already in his human form. As the door closed, he was already spinning me around and lifting me up. My legs wrapped around him immediately like it was instinct. His mouth completely covered mine as he headed towards the kitchen counter.

He gently placed me onto the cold granite and lowered himself onto his knees.

I was already panting, "Jungkook..." but no other words were able to escape past my lips as I moaned. His warm tongue lapped at my core and his hands gripped my thighs keeping me still. He moaned in appreciation when I reached down to tangle my fingers into his hair.

"Don't stop." I whined. 

He did as I said and didn't stop, instead he picked up the pace and pulled me more into his face. I arched my back, resting my head against the cabinets as my breathing quickened. I was close to my climax and he knew it. He devoured me as if it was his last meal, right up until I let go. With his tongue, he cleaned me up, not leaving a single spot untouched. 

His lips trailed up my body until they met my own, the taste of me still present, "You're delicious." His chuckle was low and husky. 

"I think you taste even better." I attempted to reach down for his erected cock, just to have him stop me.

"This was for you. You can return the favor next time."

"Are you sure? I want to take care of you too."

"And you will, but not tonight. After all, a Queen does deserve to be spoiled." He kissed my nose.

"Doesn't a King deserve to be worshiped?"

His eyes flashed at my response, "They do. And worship me you will. But not tonight. Now let's take a warm bath so we can get to bed."

"Only if we take the bath together."

"Of course, that's the only way." And he pulled me with him.

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