chapter 16

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‼️‼️ This chapter mentions violence and sexual assault ‼️‼️

I couldn't stop the wave of emotions that overcame me. I hadn't realized how afraid I was. But Jimin was willing to give me a chance. He gave me a soft smile as I started to cry. No one said anything, but Jungkook pulled me into his arms and tucked my head under his chin. He rubbed my back and tried to calm me.

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe now. I told you nothing is going to happen to you. I got you." I hid my face into his neck as he spoke to me in hushed tones. No one moved or said anything until I was done crying.

"Thank you, Jimin. I can't begin to explain how grateful I am."

"You're a victim of your pack, just like we are." His eyes were sad. Several times it had been mentioned that my home pack did something terrible. Yet I still wasn't told anything. Now was my chance to hear the entire truth, with everyone in this room.

"I have no clue what they did. I was kept in the dark. I had listened in on one of the Alpha meetings and my father said this pack didn't even exist anymore. Why does he think that?"

"Because he destroyed it. Or at least he thinks he did." Hobi spoke up.

I gasped, "What do you mean? He tells the pack that we're peaceful."

"He's a fucking liar. We had something he wanted, and when he couldn't get it, he tried to take it by force instead." Tae's voice was laced in anger.

"What did he want?"

"More power. And to get that, he wanted my wife." Jin spoke softly, "News somehow got out that my mate was a witch. Now they exist, but they're rare to come by. There aren't too many still around. With a which on our side, it makes us powerful. She can cast spells, make potions, make protective barriers, the list goes on. He didn't like that we now had an upper hand, even though we had no intention on ever using her like that. Every pack already knew that he wanted to be some kind of king. A witch would it make it easier to be exactly that."

"Word also go out about Yoongi." Hobi got up and walked over to the man, and slowly tucked a piece of hair behind his ear, "Yoongi is special. Another upper hand if that's what you want to call it."

"I can remember all my past lives, the soul of my wolf has been with me every time. I'm a chosen one of the goddess and she comes to me in dreams. The guys joke that I am 'all knowing'. I don't know everything but I do know a lot."

"You can talk to the goddess?" I felt my mouth drop open.

"More like she talks to me. The moon goddess decides on what she wants me to know and then chooses when to tell me. In these dreams I can never speak though. Asking for too much information from her is forbidden. But she also doesn't tell me everything, she still expects us to learn on our own."

"Now you can imagine why this would be intriguing to a power hungry Alpha. He thought we could just tell the future. But it doesn't work like that. Either way, he took matters into his own hands and attacked us." Jimin spoke up again.

"My father always said we never attacked. We only defended."

"Well, he most certainly attacked. Majority of our pack was killed. The entire city and all the homes were burned to the ground. They didn't care who they were killing. Women and children were not exempted." Namjoon spoke with a sadness in his voice.

"The Alpha brothers truly got the worst of it that night though." Jin was so quiet I could barely hear him.

"That's enough! She doesn't need to know that much." Tae's eyes were glowing and he was furious.

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