chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my bedroom door opening. I tried to pretend I was still asleep, but depending on who it was, they would be able to tell the pattern in my breathing changed. I stayed still, not saying anything.

I felt the bed dip behind me. I was guessing it was Kyung. We hadn't spoken since I left campus yesterday and a small part of me was hoping he was here to apologize. I hadn't done anything. The whole story Iseul told wasn't true.

"I know you're awake. You can stop pretending." His voice was laced with venom.

I turned over to the glare of Kyung. He couldn't resist coming in to remind me how horrible I was before he left for the next few days.

"I don't want you leaving the pack house unless there's an emergency, understood?"

If he wasn't already mad at me, I would have talked back. If he hadn't hit me yesterday, I would have told him he couldn't tell me what to do. But if I wanted to avoid any more bruises, I needed to do as he said, "Yes, Kyung." I avoided eye contact.

He must have not liked that, because he gripped my face and made me look at him, "See, look how easy that is. Just do as I say, and I won't get angry. Now you're going to be a good mate and not talk back anymore. If I need to spend my life with you, you're going to submit."

"Yes, Kyung." He had won. I had given up.

Tears rolled down my cheeks once he left. I thought about the stranger. I should have gone with him last night. I could have escaped this hell. I sobbed until I fell back asleep.

I woke up hours later to the sun setting, casting a golden glow into my room. Since I couldn't leave the house anyways, there was no reason to get out of bed. That was until my stomach growled. A little food couldn't hurt.

I left the bedroom, still in my t-shirt and sweatpants. The house was quieter than usual. A lot of Warriors had gone with Sang and Kyung. I always wondered what their missions consisted of but I would never find out. I wasn't the next Alpha so there was no reason for me to know. My father and his Beta used to go with them. But since they've gotten older, there was no need for it anymore. I also wondered how Sang did on these missions considering he hadn't had his first shift either. We would shift around the same time since we were twins, obviously he being the first one since he was older. So since we hadn't, what good was he on a mission?

Once I was in the kitchen I rummaged through the fridge and found things to make a sandwich. But once I made it, I could hardly eat. I was still too upset from the events of the previous day. My stomach was growling but I felt I was going to be sick with every bite I put into my mouth. I tossed the wasted food and then slowly made my way through the house and found my bed again. The only thing I could think of doing was sleeping some more.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Alpha daughter! Wake up! The pack is under attack!" I jumped up out of bed after a Warrior yelled from behind my bedroom door.

An attack? I looked towards the window to see the full moon high in the sky. It was night time. Was this what the stranger was trying to warn me about? Did he know there was going to be an attack? Was his pack behind it?

"Alpha Daughter!" BANG BANG BANG, "You're father is ordering you to join the fight. You are of Alpha blood!"

He was right. I was from an Alpha blood line. I needed to fight. It was the price I paid for having high ranking blood, even if it did me no good as a female.

"I'll be right there!" I quickly threw on clothes for combat. Jeans with numerous pockets to hold weapons like silver knives with handles wrapped in leather, a loose t-shirt so I'm able to move around and combat boots to run in the terrain if I end up in the forest. After shoving the weapons everywhere there was a place for one, I ran out of my room and towards the front doors.

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