chapter 17

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Jungkook was sitting at the small kitchen table, looking out the window while sipping on coffee. I admired his strong jaw and neck. My eyes wandered down to the tattoos on his arm. The colors were bright and vibrant with the sun hitting them. Tattoos weren't allowed in my previous pack. Neither were the piercings Jungkook had. It's probably what made me so attracted to them. He looked over and caught me staring at him. He just smiled as I blushed. "Come sit, I have a plate here for you. And some coffee."

I sat across from him, my cheeks still red from embarrassment. This was the first real food I had in weeks and there was a lot of it in front of me. Aurora had me on some special soup she made to help the healing. Jungkook on the other hand made bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes and hash browns. He had his own pile in the plate in front of him that he was already working on. 

It was extremely common for males to consume a ton of food. Their metabolism was fast and the nutrients kept them and their wolf side strong. Back at home, females didn't usually eat as much, in order the let the men have more. I had never been offered this much food in my life. 

Jungkook watched as I examined the food, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just not used to being offered this much."

He looked confused, "Please don't tell me they weren't feeding you."

"They were... just not this much."

"This is the proper amount for a werewolf."

"We would let the men eat more."

He growled, "You need to be healthy too. How do they expect you to defend yourself if you're weak. And they wanted you to bare children? Without the proper nutrients?" He growled, "I didn't know I could hate them more than I already did."

"I never even thought about it like that. It was just normal to me to let them have more."

"It's not normal. We all eat equally. So you better get used to these big meals. Just wait till Jin hyung cooks. Now that food is amazing."

I smiled at him as he continued scarfing down the food. I timidly ate and even though he had places to be, he patiently waited for me to finish. 

Afterwards we again took his expensive looking car into the city and again everyone smiled and waved as he passed by. 

"You must be the favorite brother."

He laughed, "No, it's definitely Jimin. He lights up any room he enters and the pack adores him. He's a good Alpha. He listens and takes careful consideration of what everyone says, regardless of their ranks. He ensures everyone is included and is incredibly humble. He's the same kind of Alpha my father was. Just maybe a bit more protective and paranoid. But who can blame him?"

"He does seem like a fair and reasonable leader."

We both sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride, which wasn't too much longer. We pulled up to a large house that had numerous children running around outside. 

"What's this?"

"Our orphanage. All of the pups who lost their parents that night live here."

My heart sank. Of course there were children left without parents or a home. How could my former pack do this? How could they not care about what happened to the innocent ones? "Who takes care of them?"

"Some she-wolves who lost people that night as well. Remember we mentioned, your father didn't spare children. These women were mothers. They took it upon themselves to watch these kids since their own had been taken from them. Many of them lost their mates as well, so they leaned on each other."

"And what is your job here?"

"I come check in twice a week to see what they need. Food, clothes, extra help watching the kids, a father figure for the boys... whatever they need."

"I'm so sorry. My pack did this."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You had no clue what was going on, you weren't there that night, you had no part in this. I don't blame you."

"Others in your pack will though."

"And in time, once they get to know you, they'll see you aren't like them. They'll know they can trust you. We'll show them."

"I still don't know why you're doing all of this for me, Jungkook."

He got quiet again, his tongue poking the side of his cheek, "Because I want to."

"Why? You could have left me there. You could have let Kyung have his way the night we met. You could have let Tae kill me the night of the attack."

Jungkook growled, "Tae knew you weren't to be touched. We haven't exactly gotten along recently... we got into it once I was home. He knew who you were."

"That's what I don't understand. Why wasn't I to be touched?"

"Because... you're special. And in time you'll know why. I just can't tell you yet. Just trust me, okay?" He turned to look at me and his doe eyes searched mine.

I took a deep breath, "Okay. I trust you." Even though I hated his vague answers. But all my instincts screamed to trust him, because he already felt like more of a home than my own family did. 

He gave me his amazing smile as he grabbed my hand, and kissed the back of it, "Thank you. Now let's go, this is only our first stop for today."

As we both got out of the car, children immediately spotted and him and started running over. They laughed and screamed his name. His bunny smile grew in size and he let all the kids tackle him to the ground. 

When their laughter died down, a few of them looked over to me. They were weary and nervous, as the older ones who came out once they heard the laughing, probably recognized the pack scent on me.

"It's okay guys. Y/N is a special friend of mine, you can trust her."

A girl who looked to be about sixteen spoke up, "She smells like them."

"It's because I'm from their pack. But I promise you, I don't mean any harm. They hurt me too before Jungkook saved me."

"You know I would never put our pack in danger. She wants to help." Jungkook reassured the older kids. They just slowly nodded and went back inside. The smaller ones chased after them as a woman came outside. She too watched me closely.

"Alpha Son, it's so nice to see you. Who is your friend here?"

"SuHo, this is Y/N, Alpha daughter of the-"

"I can smell what pack she's from. Why is she here?" I was shocked that she was quick to cut off a man from the Alpha family as he spoke. It was also surprising that she was comfortable enough to question him.

"She was kept in the dark there. She had no clue what was going on. They abused her in multiple ways. Y/N is another victim, so I saved her."

"And you thought to bring her here?"

"Where else could I protect her?" Jungkook's voice was stern.

"Why do you need to protect her?"

"That's need to know information for a very small group of people. I hope you'll understand. But you know me, and you know the pack will always come first. Her pack doesn't even know she's here. We escaped at night and went unnoticed."

She stayed silent as she stared at him. He stood his ground and didn't say another word. After some time of silence, "We trust you, Alpha son. But she will need to earn the trust of the pack. We know Alpha Jimin is giving her a chance, and we follow him. So we will give her a chance as well."

I slowly walked forward, "Thank you, SuHo. And please, let me know if there is anything you need. I want to help in any way possible. I want to try to fix the wrongs my family has done."
"You can start with helping with breakfast for the kids." She gave me a small smile that I returned to her. To my side I also saw Jungkook smiling at me.

He came to my side as we followed SuHo into the house. In my ear he whispered, "I told you they'll all come around. Just one person at a time." And with him by my side, helping me fit into the pack, I finally started seeing a bright and positive future ahead of me.

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