chapter 14

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"My father said this pack didn't exist anymore..." I stared at Jungkook in disbelief. He clenched his jaw and stuck his tongue into the side of his cheek. The hand that wasn't holding mine made a fist.

"I'm sure he did say that. As far as he knows, we were wiped out. But he wasn't thorough enough. There's a lot we'll need to talk about. But I can hear Jin coming in. Your health is more important right now."

And on que, a handsome man with broad shoulders walked in. His hair was pushed up exposing his forehead and he walked with confidence. He knew he was one of the most handsome men most people had seen.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kim Seokjin. But since you're a friend of Jungkook's, you can just call me Jin."

"Hello... Jin. Can you tell me exactly how much wolfsbane was in my system?"

He sighed, "Honestly, from the tests I ran, the amount in your system should have been enough to kill you. I'm not quite sure how you're alive. My only guess is they had been microdosing you for a very long time."

"I never received any medications or injections though. I'm not sure how they could do that without me noticing."

Jungkook looked deep in thought as he spoke up, "Was there anything you did every single day? A routine or habit?"

I started thinking about my day to day life back in my home pack. The only thing that came to mind was my morning tea. I always knew there was a secret ingredient to give it a spice, but I was never told what it was, "They were putting it in my tea. It had to be that."

"You must have built a tolerance to it. Again, the amount in your system should have killed you."

"It didn't seem like the burning wolfsbane was bothering you during the attack," Jungkook added, "and when you pulled the IV from me and it got on you, you didn't even care."

"Well the burning herb didn't bother any of you either." I remembered how Jungkook and his pack acted as if the fumes weren't even in the air.

"They can thank me for that. I gave them a mixture of herbs that can protect against the wolfsbane. It's still a nuisance but won't affect them nearly as much." Aurora sang.

"That makes more sense now. Is that why I couldn't smell your pack scent either? The autumn rain fall... she hid it?"

"Yes, she also put a protective spell on our camp. We were on your pack lands the entire time."

"I'm still confused as to why." I searched Jungkook's eyes. I needed answers.

"I'll tell you everything, once I know you're okay and when the Alpha gives me the okay."

"When do I get to meet him?"

"You'll see my brother as soon as Jin says you're good to leave this house."

Jin interjected, "which may be a while longer. Since you haven't shifted yet and we're cleaning the wolfsbane out of your system, you don't heal as fast. You should be good in a few days with rest and some of Aurora's potions."

I didn't like the idea of being stuck here with no clue as to why this pack wanted mine destroyed so badly. But then I thought to myself about the neighborhoods and family homes that were untouched. Maybe Jungkook and his pack didn't want the entire pack destroyed.

"I know you can't tell me much, but... why didn't you attack the homes that night? Most of the families weren't even aware that there was an attack. Only the ones that were closer to the city."

"We had a target, and innocent lives weren't included in it." Jungkook spoke the words slowly, "We aren't the monsters in this fight."

"And my pack is?"

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