chapter 12

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❗️❗️ This chapter contains sexual assault ❗️❗️
***Jungkook's POV***

She kept her promise, and kept coming back the next few nights. She would always bring some food, water, and started bringing a first aid kit once the torture got worse. I refused to answer any of their questions no matter how much damage they did to my body. What really kept me going was the hope of seeing her later. There weren't many words exchanged, but just her presence made me feel better.

I originally wanted to be mad at her, I wanted to blame her for ending up here. But of course she would have followed me. I knew she had questions and was longing for answers. If I had kept running, I could have come back for her later. But I stopped. I couldn't resist seeing her before I left for some time. It wasn't her fault at all. Once I was out of this mess, I would make sure she knew that.

It had been a few hours since she left, and the men showed up again. Their torturing was getting worse every day. I hoped my pack would show up soon.

"So boy, are you ready to talk today?" The Alpha was the first to say something as they entered.

"Nothing other than I hope you choke."

The Alpha laughed, "Then we shall continue." He motioned the younger ones over, Y/N's brother and boyfriend, and they started wailing on me. They threw punches at my stomach, my chest, my face, my ribs, anywhere they could get a hit in. When the Alpha cleared his throat, the two men stepped back and the electric shocks began. It hurt like hell, but I thought of her. I pictured her face and a future I could have with her. I was determined to survive this so I could take her home with me.

But I came back to reality when the shocks stopped, and a stainless steel knife was jammed into my side. I yelled out in pain.

"How about now? You have to be getting tired of this." The Alpha's voice had a tone of annoyance. Even though he said they would do this for as long as it took, I knew he was growing impatient.

"Father, have you noticed he still seems to be healing faster? Also, the nurse who changes out his diluted wolfsbane bags says that he should have had way more in his system by now. She mentioned that she has a schedule to change them out, yet sometimes they aren't empty yet." Shit. They were catching on. The Alpha son was surprisingly smarter than he looked.

The future Beta growled, "That whore."

"What do you mean?" The Alpha asked as he looked to the Beta son.

"I'm sure your daughter has something to do with this. As much as she denies it, I know she has a soft spot for this mutt. She's probably been taking care of him."

"You really think my sister would go that far?" I was a bit shocked that the Alpha son doubted his future Beta.

"Yes, I do." His eyes shone a wolf gold. He was angry and I was worried for her. I knew he hit her. I couldn't let her get hurt.

"Why would I want her here? She should know better than that and so should you. Don't be stupid." I had to say something.

"You like her. I would even go as far to say she's your mate. That's why you walked her home that night. And why she's drawn to you." The Alpha was putting it together.

"I already have a mate at home."

"There's no need to lie, boy." He turned to the Beta son, "Kyung, I'll be sending my daughter down. Do whatever it takes to make him talk. And I mean, whatever it takes. If hurting him won't make him talk, hurting her will."

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