chapter 22

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***Time jump***

"Three freaking months and he still hasn't tried anything since the kiss that night?!" Eliana was fuming. She was the number one fan of the Y/N and Jungkook club, which was lacking any action.

I laughed and shrugged, "Every time we hang out, which is almost every day, you ask for an update and get the same answer. You need to stop setting yourself up for disappointment. He probably realized he wasn't that into me. Maybe there were no sparks."

"I doubt that. Have you ever noticed the way he looks at you?" Aurora asked while she stirred her tea.

We were sitting at a cafe in town, enjoying the summer sun while Eliana ran us through some of her last minute wedding plans. The big day was next Saturday, exactly a week from today. "Yes... I have caught him looking at me but that doesn't mean anything. He has plenty of chances to make a move. When we're out running errands, while we're training, any time we hang out, for Goddess' sake we live together. He could have done whatever he wanted to me months ago but he hasn't."

"Have YOU tried to make a move? Did you ever tell him you liked the kiss? Maybe he doesn't want to be pushy." Eliana brought this up many times.

"I don't feel like I should make any moves when he has a mate waiting to shift. If he wants something to happen between us, I'm leaving it up to him. I don't want to move in on territory that isn't mine. Now back to the wedding plans."

"You know, you could talk to Yejun for some advice." Aurora said calmly.

I choked on my Americano, "Are you crazy? Go to his ex? I think that would just be a little awkward."

"I really don't think so. She has no interest in him anymore and is completely happy with her mate. I even heard they're trying to get pregnant. I don't think she would mind you asking at all."

"I agree with Aurora. Go talk to Yejun." Eliana threw her two cents in before stuffing a muffin in her mouth.

"The both of you are crazy. I'm sure Jungkook isn't interested in me like that anymore and is content waiting for his mate. Now can we please drop the topic and talk about the wedding? The one that's a week away."

"Fine, fine, fine. So I was thinking..." Eliana started rambling about her wedding details but I could hardly pay attention. The truth was, I didn't know why Jungkook never made another move. Was the kiss bad? Did he not feel the same sparks I did? He had told me he wanted me. Told me not to worry about his future mate. Did he change his mind about that? Did he regret kissing me?

Besides training, he hardly touched me anymore. I joined him for workouts and sparring more and more just so I could get some kind of physical contact from him. It wasn't like he ignored me. We talked all the time. He just put a stop to what little intimacy we shared.

After lunch with the girls I decided I was going to go talk to Yejun. I just didn't want my friends to know. Was I embarrassed about it? Maybe a little. Did I want them asking a thousand questions about the conversation? Absolutely not.

I headed to the pack building where I unfortunately ran into Hobi and Namjoon, "Hey Y/N, how was lunch with the girls?" Namjoon gave me a dimpled smile.

"It was good. We talked about the wedding, it's going to be great."

"Of course it is. Eliana planned majority of it." He spoke with so much love for his mate.

Her Luna (Jungkook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now