chapter 10

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The walk back to the pack house was long, showing just how far I had been running. If they had followed me out here, how much had they heard? I was terrified to find out. Kyung would kill me if he knew I had considered leaving with the stranger. Looking back now, I should have done it. Maybe then he wouldn't be in the hands of my father. I had a feeling I was about to witness just how cruel my father could be. But it shouldn't have been surprising. He had treated me poorly my whole life, never showed affection to anyone including his mate, and always pushed Sang too hard. Maybe if we had a different upbringing, Sang wouldn't be so cold and closed off either.

As we got closer to the edge of the forest the scent of wolfsbane got stronger again. The Warriors started coughing and their eyes got teary. I glanced behind me to see Kyung and Sang covering their mouths and noses trying to keep the fumes out of their lungs as much as possible. Again I noticed it wasn't affecting me. I thought before maybe it really wasn't that strong, but now being around everyone else, I noticed I was almost immune. My father noticed as well as he gave me a strange look. I tried not to think anything of it and focused my attention back to the man being carried by Warriors. While my father wanted information from him, I too needed answers. I believed him when he told me I had no clue what was actually going on in my pack. I'm sure I didn't actually know what kind of men my father and brother were. This man could tell me though. As long as he was willing to speak to me since he unfortunately thought it was my plan to have him captured.

Once we were back in the city, I saw the enemy had retreated and there was no longer any fighting. There was also no trace of any scent from them. It was strange and as usual my father was thinking the same thing.

"There isn't even a trace of a scent. Does this man have one?" He looked deep in thought as he spoke.

The Warriors all shook their heads and my father turned to me, "Well... the wolfsbane doesn't seem to affect your senses. Do you smell anything?"

"No... I couldn't smell them even when I was chasing after him."

Kyung made an irritated noise behind me before Sang asked, "Why were you chasing after him anyway?"

I had to come up with some excuse quickly, "You saw his eyes. He's from an Alpha blood line. I was hoping maybe he would be reasonable and talk to me. After all, he had an opportunity to kill me once before and he didn't."

My father laughed, "Why would he kill you? It wouldn't do him any good. He knew that and decided not to waste his time." His words weren't surprising, but still felt like another slap to the face. He did always find me worthless and useless.

"He wouldn't be interested in talking anyways. He's a dirty mutt that needs to be put down. A savage, attacking our peaceful pack." Sang started spilling more lies. I knew now that I wasn't getting the truth and he wanted to ensure I didn't believe anything the stranger told me.

"It was worth a shot. And I got him for you anyways, didn't I?" My heart clenched when I reminded myself this was all my fault.

"The only thing you did was distract him. When he's killed, I want to be the one to do it. How dare he touch my mate. And you let him." Kyung growled.

"Not here and not now! We have more important things. You can discipline her later." My father snapped at him.

"Yes, Alpha." Kyung hung his head low but still glared at me. I was really in for it later.

"Now take him and lock him up. Put some pants on him. I want him restrained as much as possible. He's strong and we shouldn't underestimate him. If he escapes he'll be more than capable to kill several of us."

"Not before I take him out first." Kyung muttered.

"You should know better than to doubt your opponent. The Alpha is right. His wolf form was impressive. Do not doubt what he's able to do. After all, this man has already left you unconscious once before, like he reminded you." Kyung's father scolded him.

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