chapter 19

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"Waiting for your mate? Are you a virgin?"

He laughed, "No, definitely not. But I've never brought a woman here before."

"Oh I see. Does your mate know about this place at all?"

"She does. She's been here too. I would like to spend our first nights as mates here. Hopefully she'll want that too."

"Personally I think this place would be perfect." I smiled at him, "She'll love it."

He stopped walking, "You think so?"

"I know so. She would be crazy to say no to all this." I motioned to everything around us waving my arms into the air.

Jungkook chuckled, "Even if it's technically outside?"

"I think that makes it exciting. Even though the chances of getting caught are slim. Only a handful of people can come in."

His eyes went dark and he stalked towards me. I took a few steps back until I felt a tree behind me. If I took a deep breath out chests would touch with how close he was to me, "Exciting? You want to get caught?"

"Well... um... no... I just..." I was nervous and he was making me flustered. It was like the night of the attack again. Again I was praying he couldn't smell that I was becoming aroused. 

"Words, baby girl."

I felt my face turn bright red. He had only called me that once before. "The idea of getting caught is... exciting. It's an adrenaline rush I guess."

"And have you ever done anything in public?" He was staring right at me. I tried to look down to escape his gaze but his tattooed finger lifted my chin up, to meet his eyes again. 

"No... but I wouldn't pass the chance to try."

He smirked, "Careful. You might just get that chance eventually." I gulped. 

He backed away just in time for Hobi and Yoongi to come down the path. I knew I looked extremely flustered and I was breathing heavy. My cheeks still felt warm from blushing and I hadn't moved away from the tree. Jungkook had a proud smirk on his face from the state he's left me in. The two other guys just looked at me with knowing faces.

"Maybe Kook won't be waiting for his mate to being here after all." Yoongi showed his gummy smile.

Jungkook answered, "I'll still be waiting for my mate. But if Y/N wants me somewhere else, she just has to ask." He winked at me and continued down the path.

Hobi walked up to me, "Girls are dying to have a night with him. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity. Hell, if he was gay, I'm sure Yoongi and I would have invited him over a long time ago." 

"I'll never admit that out loud." Yoongi chuckled.

I quietly laughed, "So the two of you are mates?"

"We are." Hobi said proudly.

"I'm not used to... seeing men together." I was hesitant to bring up this topic. But it was something I had never seen before, since it wasn't allowed back home. 

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Yoongi asked. 

"No, not really. I mean, you don't act too much like a couple either."

"Yoongi isn't too big on PDA. And I respect his wishes." Hobi kissed his mate gently on the top of his head.

"Even if you did show more, I don't think I would mind. Gay relationships weren't allowed back at home but, I think everyone deserves to be with who they want. We all just want love at the end of the day."

Her Luna (Jungkook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now