chapter 6

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"Were you thinking about me in there?"

"Holy shit, Kyung! You scared the hell out of me. I didn't realize you came in here."

He got up from my bed while laughing at me. I wrapped my towel tighter around my naked body as he got closer, "Well, answer the question. Was it me you were thinking about? I heard your moans." He started assaulting my marking spot with sloppy kisses. Again I found myself wanting it to be the other nameless man with the tattoos burying his teeth into my neck instead. But I needed to behave. I needed to get rid of these thoughts.

And so the lies started, "Of course I was thinking of you. Last night was so special and amazing. I was just remembering it."

He groaned as he grabbed my hips, "I can give you a reminder if you need it." He pushed his pelvis to mine and I could feel he was hard already.

I really wasn't ready to have the worst sex imaginable with him again so I came up with a quick excuse, "Give me some time to recover. I'm a bit sore. This is all new to me and I don't want to hurt myself too bad. Can we start slow?"

His cocky smile dropped, "You're not going to start denying me again, are you?"

Yes. "No , of course not. But the sooner I can recover the sooner we can experience that again. And the more I get used to it, the more often it can happen." I wanted to throw up hearing these words come out of my mouth.

"As long as you don't start holding out on me again. That was absolutely miserable and all the guys were giving me shit for it."

I rolled my eyes once my back was turned to him as I went to get clothes from the closet. Of course he was more concerned about what all his friends thought more than how I felt. I didn't bother with a response. Anything I wanted to say would have caused another argument and they really were getting tiresome now.

I started pulling out a pair of shorts to wear for the day when Kyung spoke up again, "I don't like when you wear those shorts."

With my back still to him, I rolled my eyes again. I tried to contain whatever attitude filled comment I wanted to make, but I couldn't help but challenge something he didn't like,  "It's cool in the mornings but still warmer through out the rest of the day. I just want to be comfortable."

"I don't want my mate showing off so much skin all the time. Which you do. It needs to stop. I'm the only one who should see your body. It's mine and no one else's. You're not wearing the shorts."

I couldn't shut my mouth fast enough before my next comment came, "Actually, it's my body and I control what goes on it. So I will be wearing the shorts."

I regretted the words as soon as he stormed towards the door, "You may have finally given yourself to me, but you still have no respect for me as your mate. You don't even have respect for me as a man. Eventually you'll learn your place. If you wear those shorts, you better stay in here the rest of the day. Don't make me angry again Y/N." He left with a slam of the door.

I wasn't sure why I couldn't just do as he asked and make him happy. Instead I had to start another fight. Which would result in another lecture from my father.

To hopefully not make Kyung anymore upset, I settled on jeans instead of the shorts. I would give him a little time before going to find him. I'd please him in some way to make him forget about me talking back. This was going to be my life and I needed to get used to it and stop fighting.

A knocking on my door brought me out of my thoughts. I saw my mother open the door as I turned around. She gracefully crossed the room and took a seat on my bed. Glancing at a photo of Kyung and I that was on my bedside table, she smiled. I felt a tug on my heart. My mother hardly ever smiled anymore when it came to me. Although this smile was bittersweet. She wasn't smiling for me, she was smiling because she knew I was finally doing what everyone wanted. I was giving into Kyung and ensuring a strong future Beta for the pack. But still her smile was ethereal. Since I could remember, everyone told me I was a splitting image of my mother. I only hoped I would age as beautifully as she had.

She looked back to me before she spoke, her smile faltering a little, "I see you didn't let him mark you."

"I... I wasn't ready. We hadn't talked about it previously. He wanted to... but I asked him if we could take one step at a time."

"So then he should be marking you very soon."

"I wanted to talk to him about waiting until I shifted." I played with my fingers. I was nervous about being so open and honest with my mom. But who else could I talk to? I had to believe there was still some part of her that loved me unconditionally. I hoped there was still a side of her that wanted me to be happy.

"Shifted or not, he's your mate. You should let him claim you. He's proud to have you. And you should be proud to have him." Of course I was wrong. She only wanted me to do what was best for the pack. My wants, wishes and happiness meant nothing.

"Did you know dad was your mate before you had your wolf side? Did he mark you immediately?" The questions came out of my mouth as a whisper.

"I shifted before your father, after all I am older than he is. But as soon as he shifted and realized I was for him, I submitted immediately. I was honored to be his Luna."

"Did he love you? Or did he just choose to mark you because you were mates?"

"Of course we loved each other. He showed the affection he could. You know ranking wolves can't become too sensitive. It makes them weak. As women, and more specifically the mates of high ranked wolves, we need to accept what they are willing and able to give us."

"What if I don't actually love my mate?" It was another whisper from me.

She scowled before I even finished the question, "You mustn't say those things. Of course you love Kyung. He is your mate. You have no choice."

"Mates reject each other."

"Y/N! I will not have a daughter who rejected her mate. You know very well what happens to she wolves who reject their mates. You'll be kicked out of the pack! You'll embarrass this family! You will humiliate your father as an Alpha. Other packs will hear of the Alpha who had a whore as a daughter."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." I cast my eyes down to the floor, and avoided her gaze in submission.

"You should be. I don't ever want to hear these ridiculous things from you again. This conversation will stay between us. If you bring this up again I will have to involve your father. Don't make me do that."

"I'm sorry mom. I'll stop thinking such ludicrous things."

She got up from my bed and wrapped me in her arms. I felt the tears on my cheeks and choked back a sob. My emotions were a storm. I was furious at her for siding against her only daughter, I was sad my mom shared the same beliefs as everyone else in the pack, I was breaking at the physical contact that she had denied me for years. I couldn't even remember the last time she hugged me. I lightly hugged her back, barely touching her, afraid she would revoke the hug.

"Your father and I love you. As long as you keep being the mate you need to be to Kyung, and falling into your place we can start mending our relationship. I know you can be an amazing mate, you just need to stop fighting."

"You're right. I'll do better." For the first time, I meant the words I said. It terrified me.

Don't worry... Jungkook is coming soon.

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