chapter 24

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"Jungkook! Jungkook where the hell are you?! We've been trying to get a hold of you and you aren't answering mind link or your phone and we have a very big probl- what the fuck?!" 

Jungkook and I both lifted our heads, being rudely awakened to see Tae. I then remembered I was still completely naked, covered in hickies and bite marks, laying on top of a naked Jungkook.

"Oh shit..." I quickly jumped off of Jungkook, bringing the blanket with me to hide my naked body.

Jungkook groaned as he stood from the couch to look for his pants from the previous night, "What are you doing here Tae? I told you now that Y/N is living with me you can't just barge in here uninvited-"

"Well if you'd respond to us when we call I wouldn't have to barge in here. There's a problem, another pack is trying to cross our boarders."

Both of our heads snapped to Tae, "Is it my old pack?"

"No, they don't have the same smell, we still aren't sure who they are. But their Alpha is pissed and he showed up with numbers. Jimin needs us... NOW."

Jungkook quickly headed to his room to find some clothes, as did I. But when I came back out, fully dressed and ready to go, he wasn't pleased.

"You're staying here."

"I can handle myself and you know that. Let me help."

"What if it's a trap for you?"

"Then we'll fight together."


"You can't keep me here. I'm going."

He growled, "I don't want you in danger. I know you can fight but I'd rather you didn't have to."

Tae interrupted, "We have no time for the two of you fighting."

"Which is why I'm going." I pushed past Jungkook.

"Please don't make me pull rank on you. I really don't want to but if I need to do it to keep you safe, I will." He threatened to use the somewhat Alpha authority he had. He must have forgotten who I was. 

"Nice try Kookie, we're equals. Now let's go."

I jumped into the back of the jeep Tae was driving. He gave me a weird look but then averted his gaze to Jungkook when he got into the passenger seat.

"Kookie?" Tae asked.

"Only Y/N can call me that." He snapped. Tae didn't bring it up again the whole drive.

We quickly came to Jimin's side and I didn't miss the quick double take he took at our necks. On the other side of him was Hobi and Namjoon. Close to Joon was Yejun. 

When I looked across I saw an extremely angry Alpha with numerous wolves behind him. They were all snarling and snapping, making it obvious that they weren't leaving without a fight.

"What kind of game are you playing?! First you tell me we have the wrong pack and I consider believing you, but then I smell that scent! Don't lie to me Alpha Jimin. Where are my pack's pups?!" The Alpha's eyes were glowing red. He was shorter in height for an Alpha, even shorter than Jimin. But he was still well built and muscular. He had a sharp jaw and a strong nose.

"I've already told you I have no clue what you're talking about. I have enough orphaned pups that need taken care of, why would I add to it? And I don't know what scent you're talking about."

I knew it was me, it had to be. The former scent of my old pack was getting weaker and most people were used to me by now, but to an outsider I would still smell different than everyone else here. I would still smell out of place. Jungkook's eyes met mine letting me know he realized this too. But unfortunately our quick glance to each other gained another's attention.

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