chapter 34

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I wasn't sure when I fell asleep in the backseat of Hobi's car on the drive to Bangchan's pack, but I was now being woken up from light kisses on my cheek and Jungkook's soft whispers. I stretched out before opening my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"Look out the window." His smile grew even bigger, like a boy on Christmas morning.

I turned to see we were driving past the ocean. It was a crystal clear blue, the sun rays bouncing off the waves making it look as if it was sparkling. I had seen the beach in movies, but I had never seen it in person. I rolled down the window to feel the crisp breeze that carried the salt water in the air.

"It's beautiful. I never thought I'd get to see this."

"You never have to think that again. I'll take you to see whatever you want."

"Can we come too?" Hobi laughed in the driver's seat.

"Only on some of them, hyung. I need some alone time with my mate. And you don't want to hear what the two of us will be up to." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows to Hobi in the rear view mirror.

"Gross." Yoongi mumbled from the passenger seat making us all laugh.

It wasn't much longer until we got to the Maxident pack lands. I imagined the beach town to be more active, with everyone outside basking in the summer sun. But considering they had recently lost almost all of their children, it was understandable that everyone was indoors still mourning.

The pack house sat right on the beach, with double glass doors wide open towards the water. The cars stopped and Bangchan came right out to greet us. His eyes met mine as soon as I climbed out of the back seat, with Jungkook right behind me.

"Y/N, you look stunning as always. I heard you've shifted."

"I have. Turns out all of you were right."

"I can not wait to see your wolf. Maybe we should go for a run along the beach later. We have beautiful sunsets."

"We'd love to." Jungkook answered.

I contained my chuckle, "We should all go for a run. It's my first time on the beach."

"I supposed the two of us could just run ahead of everyone." He gave a cocky smile, not letting up.

"My mate likes to stay by my side." I grabbed Jungkook's hand as he stood by me.

Bangchan's smile fell, but only for a quick second, "You're a lucky man, Jungkook. I figured it was going to be you."

Jungkook wore the smile this time, "I'm very lucky."

"We should head inside. There's much to discuss." Aurora spoke up. She stayed close to Jimin's side. I'm sure she was feeling out of her element being around so many people and letting everyone know she was a witch.

"You must be the lovely witch I heard about," Bangchan bowed his head a bit to her, "I never thought I would meet one. Please come in, all of you."

We followed him through the French doors that remained wide open. I took another look at the ocean before we followed him up the stairs and into his office. My need to steal another glance at the water was unnecessary though because the far wall of the office was all glass. I walked straight to the large window and admired the waves crashing ashore. I liked how wild they looked, and how unpredictable they were. Nothing was controlling it and it only had a mind of its own.

Jungkook's arms wrapped around me, his chin resting on my shoulder, "How would you like to go in the water after this?"

"I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"I made sure to pack some for us. I wasn't going to miss this opportunity for you."

"I have the most thoughtful man. Thank you." I smiled at him.

He kissed my temple, spinning us around for his back to rest against the glass with me still against his chest.

"First off, I should mention my pack isn't the only one that's been attacked. I've reached out to others in this area, even those I haven't particularly gotten along with. They all have missing pups."

"What would they want with young children?" Jimin looked to Aurora, seeing if she had anything to say about it since she knew the most about magic.

"I hope I'm wrong, but they are probably being used as sacrifices. The more innocent the life, the more power given in return. They're also easier to take and won't put up as much of a fight."

"So there's no bringing them home." Bangchan's voice fell.

"There may still be some alive. We need to try to help them regardless. And if they aren't alive anymore, we need to revenge them. My father and his pack can't get away with this."

"You really are hell bent on killing your own father?" Bangchan lifted a brow.

I nodded, "Completely. I want him and all of the other monsters in that pack dead. I hate them."

"Hate is a strong emotion. Are you sure you can control it, and not let it control you?"

I felt Jungkook shift next to me, and I could feel his gaze as I responded to Bangchan, "Yes."

"Then my pack and I will stand behind you. I think you should meet with some of the other Alpha's. I won't tell you that they will all be easily convinced to follow you, but with some convincing I'm sure they could be persuaded. Show them how you kick ass and they'd be dumb to say no."

"With you and I as her followers it may be a bit more convincing." Jimin told Bangchan.

"Once we have the numbers we can take them on. Previous intel showed us that the pack was much larger than anyone thought. Y/N's father holds different lands where he keeps other wolves." Hobi revealed another piece of information I had never known about.

"We do have to remember these terrible beasts he's making. It will give him the upper hand even if we have the numbers." Jimin added

"We can't forget about the witch either." Yoongi spoke in a monotone voice.

"Especially since they are using black magic." Aurora agreed.

Nothing against us mattered to me, "I'll do whatever it takes to take them down. I want that pack to cease to exist." And from the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook's concerned look.

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