chapter 11

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"Cut it off." The Beta turned the machine off on my father's command. The stranger's body twitched as the remaining electrical currents pulsed through him. His breathing was heavy and his head hung low.

"Now... what's your name?" But the only response my father received was silence, "What pack are you from?" And he was again answered with more silence. "So that's the game you want to play? Turn it on."

More screams filled the small room and I turned my head away, as I couldn't stand to watch him be in pain. My father's Beta waited for the command before turning it off. All the while he had a straight face with no emotion. Sang mimicked this as well, but Kyung looked as if he was getting off on it. He made me sick.

"We can do this the easy way. Just tell me your name and what pack your from. And then I'll put you down and out of your misery. But we can do this for as long as it takes. Now tell me what I want to know." My father still wore that wicked grin.

The stranger used whatever strength he had to lift his head and look right into my father's eyes. "Go to hell."

"Turn it up." My father's smile fell as his Beta turned the machine on again, bumping it up to a level five. The stranger screamed out again and his body was withering, trying to get away from the wire fencing.

I couldn't take it. I ran out of the room and up the stairs, but couldn't make it to a bathroom before throwing up. I couldn't watch this. Seeing him hurt felt like it was physically causing me pain. His screams made my heart clench and there were tears threatening to fall.

"Don't tell me you feel sorry for him." Kyung's voice was low and challenging as he stood behind me.

"I don't like it."

"He killed our people."

"And we killed his. Their blood is also still dried up on my skin too."

"Because they attacked us. We were defending our home."

"There has to be a reason they did it..." I didn't want to believe that this man, the one who had been nothing but kind to me and made my heart flutter, could be any ounce of bad.

"They don't need a reason. Now get it together."

"I can't watch, Kyung."

"You do feel bad for him." He growled.

"No, I just don't like seeing people hurt. I would be sick no matter who it was. Tell my father my presence isn't helping. I'm going to shower this blood off of me. My part is done." I walked away and back up the stairs before he could say anything else. Even if he did, I was done, and I would have ignored it.

They had spent the rest of the night, early morning, and day electrocuting him and doing goddess knows what else. It was like they would never get bored. As soon as I had gotten back up to the house I couldn't hear him anymore. But I knew what was happening and my heart was still breaking. I tried to keep myself busy through out the day to keep my mind off of him and not think about the guilt. I would help tend to wounded Warriors, clean up the city, assist the kitchen workers to make extra food for the injured pack members. But no matter what I did my mind came back to him.

When it was finally time for me to lay down for the night, I tossed and turned, thinking about him. His warm brown eyes that I hadn't seen since the night before the attack, his messed up hair, his deep and smooth voice, the way his body felt against mine, the art that covered his arm and the way I felt when he voiced his concern for me. I couldn't take it anymore.

I wrapped a silk robe around me and put some slippers on before sneaking out of my bedroom, and down the stairs to the kitchen. I found some left over pork belly and vegetables. I didn't dare heat it up since that would cause too much noise.

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