New Normal

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When you're taken from the people who you love at a young age you're bound to have a couple psychological problems, but when you pair it with a man who finds happiness in your pain and kills people for fun, now that is going to fuck you up for life.

I was taken from my perfect suburban family when I was five, the memories from before I was taken are jumbled and hard to remember. I never had friends and I never went to school, that doesn't mean I'm an idiot though. Cohen—the man that took me, made sure I wasn't uneducated. According to him having a stupid mind was one of the biggest weakness's you could have. Because of that whenever he wasn't training me physically, he was training me mentally.

Cohen took me in as an experiment, he couldn't have a kid of his own, so he took me instead, or at least that's what the social service lady told me.

Cohen unfortunately experienced a gruesome death and ended up bleeding out on the kitchen floor with a couple appendages missing. The death affected me greatly, I mean who wants to see the person who took care of them, taught them everything they know, spent every birthday and Christmas together die in front of them.

I did, and I enjoyed it.

I believe the cops that came an hour later after my distressed call might believe that I was the one who killed him, but they won't say anything, not after they found the basement I was kept in.

No, I'm sure they will keep their mouth shut, apparently both me and the cops know the man doesn't deserve any type of justice.

They took me to the police station shortly after searching the house, their eyes were wide with horror as they ushered me into the police car whispering comforting words in my ears. 'you're safe now' 'he's gone, and he can't hurt you anymore' 'don't worry sweetheart everything's going to be okay'. I didn't need all the comfort, but it was nice to hear words spoken with care instead of malice for the first time.

When we arrived at the station, I was taken to a back room to be questioned about the death. They asked many questions and I only responded with a shake of my head, no words making their way out of my mouth.

I was tired and I just wanted to be alone, I've gotten so used to only seeing Cohen everyday that the amount of people I've seen and who have talked to me today is overwhelming.

When the man with the soft voice was done questioning me, he left the room telling me someone will come in shortly to discuss the next steps.

I didn't know what that meant.

Until now sitting across from a nice-looking woman with a smile on her face. People are very smiley here.

Am I supposed to smile back at her?

The last time I smiled was when my knife went through Cohen's eye, and I can't remember a time I smiled before then. I kept my face neutral as she kept smiling at me.

Her smile stays in place as she asks her questions, "hi Jade, my names Samantha and I'm your social worker." Her words make my brain kick in gear, remembering everything I was taught in the makeshift classroom in the basement, but I couldn't find anything.

Cohen never taught me about what a social worker was.

She must have read the confusion on my face as she explained, "I'm here to help you with this transition from your old life to your new one." I just nod my head still not willing to speak, her smile falls for a moment, but she quickly puts it back up.

She doesn't mention anything about Cohen's death, but instead asks questions about me. I stay silent, sensing she wasn't going to be having a conversation with me she tells me about the next steps, "We will swab your mouth to get your DNA and search for any relatives." I nod at her and she gets up to leave, another man enters with a cotton swab and swabs the inside of my cheek before they both leave, leaving me alone in this room.

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