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So, it turns out both men and women can have orgasms.

I may have convinced Finn I needed more cookies from the store, which is not entirely true.

I may or may not have hidden them all under my bed so Finn thought I ate them all but I really needed him to leave for a bit so I could do my research.

Was it a lie? Maybe, but it wasn't a bad one......right?

I needed to do my research and since Finn is literally everywhere that I am, and I didn't want him to be looking over my shoulder while I look up sex topics, I gladly sent him on his way.

I was even more glad that he was gone when I accidently clicked on a porn video and the whole thing started blasting moans throughout the entire room.

That would have been embarrassing.

He'll probably be back any minute now and I think I've gotten enough knowledge, maybe even a little too much.

Hey, id rather be more informed than less informed.

I learned that women can have orgasms but its less common then men, which kind of shocked me since Finn made me cum so quickly.

Oh yeah I learned that the wetness I was feeling was because of my arousal and this thing called cum. Finn has it too and it was on his pants but I already knew about men's arousal becaus—

No Jade don't think about that.

I shake my head and clear of my thoughts.

Needless to say I learned a lot about the orgasms part of sex which was all very new to me. I knew about the parts of bodies and functions, and periods because that's what I was taught in the books Cohen gave me but it never once mentioned actual sex as more than a way to make babies.

I did know that what Finn and I did would not result in babies because his baby maker was not in mine.

Or how the slang on some website called Urban Dictionary had said, we weren't 'bumping uglies'

Although I don't really understand the ugly part. Does that mean Finns dick is ugly?

I also may or may not have looked at more of those videos......with the volume down of course.

I close all the tabs on my phone — one of the things Finn taught me how to do, and head to the living room.

I think everybody is home, well except Finn.

Phoenix made his pancakes again this morning, which Finn had brought to me in bed.

Everyone's gathered around the coffee table in the living room and I walk over peering at the table to see some sort

"Hey Jade, do you want to play Clue with us," Callie asks looking at me excitingly.

I sit next to her and look at the table, "sure, but I don't know how to play."

"That's okay we'll teach you."

After an in-depth explanation from Callie we start playing, and two games later (I lost the first and won the second), Finn comes home.

He was gone longer than expected but I guess that makes sense when he comes in the door with three different bags in his hands.

My brows furrow at the amount of bags and Finn catches my gaze and gives a small smile.

"Wow, whatcha got there Fin?" the question comes from Phoenix but I'm also very curious.

Finn glares at him, "stuff."

"Well what kind of stuff, stuff for m—"

Finn doesn't let him finish as he starts stomping off to our rooms.

I apologize to Phoenix for Finn earning me a knowing smile from him and follow Finn to his room.

I walk in right when he finishes putting all the bags on the bed and as I approach, he turns around and pulls me to him. He sits on the bed his arms wrapped around my torso his face in my chest as I hug him back.

"You alright there," I ask my hand lightly petting his hair.

He hums in delight, "yeah, I just missed you."

The guilt of lying to him is now making my heart hurt.

"I lied."

He looks up at me, still holding me tight to him his brows furrowed, "what do you mean you lied?"

I look away from him and take a deep breath, "I lied about needing more cookies, I knew you would go out and get them if I asked and I needed you to leave for a bit soo I could....I could."

"You could what Jade?"

Another deep breath, "So I could do research about orgasm and what happened this morning without embarrassing myself, which I would have since I accidently clicked on a video of people having sex, and okay I also may have looked at more videos, but I didn't expect you to me gone for so long and I a—"

Finn interrupts me by pulling me down into a kiss, his mouth exploring mine and melting away my initial confused expression.

He pulls me down onto his lap and pulls away from my lips looking me in the eyes, "stop freaking yourself out baby, I was gone for so long because I got you extra things and I knew you didn't need more cookies."

I look at him in shock and his mouth tilts up into a smile, "I saw them hidden under your bed."

I give him a light slap on the shoulder, "then why did you leave to get them?"

He kisses me on the cheek, "I thought you were freaking out a bit at what happened this morning, not that you were going to be watching porn."

He's smiling but my face heats up, "I did research too."

He kisses my other cheek, "okay baby, just next time you decide you want to explore through porn make sure I'm with you, okay?"

I don't answer and look towards the window.

I'm embarrassed as much as it is, I don't need to die of it by watching a porn video together.

When I look back at Finn he's smiling, "so did you learn what you wanted?"

This time I smile, "and then you want me to show you?"

Finns answering groan says yes but he shakes his head causing me to frown, "as much as I would love that, I also know you haven't eaten since I I right?"

Okay that's true but also Finn was gone for three hours that's not that much time.

Finn stands up, my legs wrapping around his waist instinctively so I don't fall as he takes us out of the room.

I bury my head in his neck to avoid the looks I know I'm going to get from the rest of the roommates as he takes me to the kitchen.

I'm also a weirdo and like the way he smells.

He sets me on the kitchen counter and heads to the fridge grabbing turkey, cheese, lettuce, pickles — which I did try and I did not like, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

He grabs bread and starts making us sandwiches, mine with cucumbers and no tomatoes or pickles and him with the opposite, no cucumber but pickles and tomatoes.

He puts everything away and cuts my sandwich in half before handing me the plate.

He stands in between my thighs eating his own sandwich as I try not to make eye contact since I'm starting to ache again.

Once we finish, he puts our plates in the sink and picks me back up, "I'm excited to see what you learned," he whispers in my ear.

A tingle races down between my legs, but I ignore it and whisper back, "and I'm excited to see what's in all those bags."

Finn smiles and kisses me on the forehead as he carries me back to his room.

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