What's That?

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I know the scream wasn't just in my dream, I know it, but I can't focus on the impending foreboding in my body that all my roommates and even the neighbors heard it.

No, I can't

I'm crying, my face wet from tears and I can't believe how much I've actually cried since I've got to this academy, but then I also can't believe the number of nightmares I've had.

I feel like throwing up, my body in panic as I hug myself trying to regulate my breathing.

I grab the frog from next to me on the bed and hold it tight wishing it was Finn.

More tears cascade down my face.

I wish Finn was here.

Right as that thought finishes my bedroom door slams open and there he is, I almost think I'm hallucinating, but when he rushes into my bed and holds me, I only cry harder.

He's here.

His hold on me is tight and the little frog is squished between us.

Poor guy

My head is tight to Finn's chest, "where...were you?"

I don't mean it to sound accusing but I think Finn took it that way.

He kisses the top of my head, holding me even tighter, "I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry, I came back as fast as I could."

His voice is sad, almost as if he's crying himself which only makes me cry a little harder.

He hold me like that, laying on the bed in each other embraces, until my crying has stopped and I start to drift asleep again, but out of fear I fight it.

"Go to sleep princess, I'll be right here the whole time."

With those words whispered in my ear, I finally give in and let sleep take hold of me.


I wake up in the same position I feel asleep in, my face in Finn's chest.

There's a crick in my neck but I feel so much better, not just because I got some much-needed sleep but because of the citrus and woodsy smell that is Finn.

I pull him closer to me and his hand comes up to stroke my hair, "morning baby."

I look up to him with a smile and he kisses my forehead, turning my head I look outside and the suns going down.

Wait, am I missing movie and pizza night?

I try to wiggle away from Finn, but he pulls me closer, "where are you going?"

I wiggle some more, "its movie and pizza night and I want to watch Callie's sappy romance movies and eat pizza!"

He still doesn't budge, "baby stop moving," he grunts out.

Ignoring him I wiggle even more trying to jerk him off me until I feel something hard poking me in the stomach. I stop all movements and look up to him, trying to move my hand to what's poking me, "what's that?"

"Jade, stop that," Finn says through clenched teeth.

"Is it a gun or something? Is that why you weren't here? You were on an extra long mission or something."

Finn grunts out, teeth still clenched "something like that."


I try to grab it again but Finns hands leaves from around me to stop my own from going any further.

I look up at him scowling, "why cant I see it, what type of gun is it?"

"First off baby you can see it whenever you want, touch it whenever you want, ask for it whene—"

"Then why cant I see and touch it now?"

Finns grip gets tighter on my wrists and he flips us over so I'm beneath him, "let me finish. First of all that," he grinds his hips down on mine, "is my dick."

My eyes go wide, wait they get hard like that?

I mean I knew they get enlarged and harder when aroused but Lucifer's was never h—

You know what nevermind I'm not spoiling the mood with more nightmares.

Finns waiting for my reaction and besides the overwhelming urge I have to still reach down and touch it, I smile at him.

"I can see it whenever I want? What if I wanted to see it right now?"

I look down where his hard dick is, still poking me.

I hear Finn grunt, and look up to see his eyes squeezed closed. He looks like he's in pain.

"You alright there Finn?"

He nods, his eyes still closed breathing in and out for a moment before moving off of me and standing by the bed.

"Don't tease me like that Jade, its not nice." He takes another breath in, "now come on, lets get you your pizza and movies fix."

He waits for me to move out the door and I do, him following behind wincing every couple steps, causing me to look back and give him a questioning look, which he only dismisses with a wave of his hand.


As we join the others, there's only one thing going through my mind.

I'm not teasing, I want to see Finns dick.

I also want to explore why the thought of Finns dick makes me so excited.

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