Competition And Bets

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Finn and I stayed in his room until dinner, Lena made chicken curry and we're all sitting at the table to eat it.

Finn of course has already opened my can for me, and I think I have to get used to his constant want to do things for me.

I mean I'm not complaining, but sometimes its harder to accept his help.

Finn's hand has been on my thigh all throughout dinner, and it keeps the tingles going the entire time.

"So Finn, you excited for the Sim Comp coming up?"

Finn groans and I turn to look at Lena, "what's the Sin Comp?"

Lena smiles, "it's a competition throughout the school where the highest scorer on each simulator gets to take whoever they want out for the whole weekend. Finn wins pretty much every time, and we get to stay in this huge hotel and go on shopping trips it's so much fun."

I smile, "that does sound fun!"

Phoenix smiles, "well there's still not a guarantee that Finn will win any of the simulator competitions."

Charlie rolls his eyes, "come one Phoenix, Finn wins the sniper simulator every year by thousands, there's no way he won't win this year."

Lena playfully smacks Charlie on the head, "hey, I could still win dumbass."

Charlie makes a sound of disagreement and Lena scowls at him.

"Well, we won't know until Thursday," Callie says.


"Why Thursday?"

Callie smiles, "well everyone's scores are hidden until the competition ends, then the headmaster comes and announces the first, second, and third place winners for each simulator. Second place gets to leave for Friday night but they have to be back by midnight and First place gets to leave Thursday night and come back Sunday morning."

"Ohh, cool"

I'm very excited to win.

We finish up dinner, wash our plates and we all watch a movie in the living room, me snuggled into Finn's chest the entire time.

The movies interesting....I guess, but I'm more interested in watching Finn, especially the stupid smirk on his face and  the way his fingers run along my legs.

When the movie finally ends Finn and I go back to his room, he moves all of my bathroom things from mine to his own and I take my first shower, without Finn.


When I'm done I dress in one of Finns black t-shirts, they're tight on Finn but oversized on me which I weirdly find pleasure in.

Finn didn't give me any underwear which means I'm not wearing any for tonight, but I shall partake in no funny business on this evening.

I walk into the room to find a shirtless Finn reading on his bed, I start to slide into my own side but as soon as I hit the mattress he pulls me closer.

I look up to him and smile, "I'm excited to beat you in the competition."

Finn laughs and he's right it is funny.....that he thinks he would win.

"Princess, I don't mean to sound full of myself but you're not going to beat me."

I smile and sit up so I'm looking at him straight on, "wanna bet."

A mischievous smile forms on his face, "oh yeah baby, let's make a bet."

The same smile graces my face, "the person who wins the most simulators wins."

He smiles, "sounds good, but when I win and we stay in the city, you have to get a tattoo of my choosing."

I smile, tattoos sound fun, "and when I win, you also have to get a tattoo of my choosing and bake cookies and read me Harry Potter books for the next year."

Finn shakes his head, "that's not equal Jade."

I pout, "its equal to me."

"Either you take something off or I get to add something."

I cross my arms over my chest, "I'm not changing mine so you can add to yours."

Finn smiles, "if I win you have to get a tattoo of my choosing and move everything from your room into mine."


Finn looks slightly surprised, but I kiss his lips and lay back next to him.

There's no way he'll be winning the competition anyways.

Now I just have to come up with the perfect tattoo idea for Finn.

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