Mission Statements

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I get into the car with a huff, so completely done with this fucking mission and ready to go home and at least try to sleep.

The suns already starting to come up and we still have about a 2 hour drive back to campus and I am literally wishing my own death at this point after being with stupid fucking Jason for the last 8 hours.

We finished our mission, the team who were supposed to show up yesterday but were delayed took over our positions.

I am so tired.

A car door slams as Jason gets in besides me, looking just as mad which I don't get.

I mean I'm pretty awesome but he's just a full-on asshole.

He sends me a glare and I send one back, turning to look out the window.

The mission was a success considering Ms. Backfield, me and unfortunately Jason are still alive.

I don't know how this guy is one of the best. I mean sure he has some skills, but they're contradicted by his lack of problem-solving intelligence.

We killed a total of 35 paid assassins tonight, including the bodyguard I shot, and 25 out of that 35 were killed by me.


By the time the other team showed up both Jason and I were covered in blood, some dry some very much fresh.

The team showing up was not apart of the academy, they were a group of six that are alumni and now work for an agency that specializes in these types of things.

They were cocky showing up.

That is until they took in the number of bodies laying around — its kind of hard to clean up the bodies when you still have to kill more of them.

They started looking around for the rest of our team, finding no one but us and one of the previous bodyguards — that we did check after the whole situation with the other bodyguard.

The bodyguard was set to protect Ms. Blackfield in case anyone got past Jason and me, which didn't happen.

We showered the blood off of us and striped of our clothes, which is why I'm now wearing business casual as Samantha, aka Ms. Blackfield had told me after giving me some clothes.

Jason looks stupid, he had to wear clothes that the bodyguard got from the lost and found and he looks completely and utterly stupid.

I mean he's wearing a neon green button up —why anyone would buy that I have no idea, and some cargo shorts which are pretty cool because they have like a million pockets.

He was not a fan though.

The drive back to the academy is long and completely silent, besides the soft instrumental music the driver is playing.

We approach the gates to the academy and Jason turns to me with a slightly pained look, "I was wrong about you, what you did back there was pretty badass."

Wow, that looked like it hurt.

"I was not wrong about you, you're still an asshole," I say it with a straight face and surprisingly he doesn't scowl but lets out a small laugh and shakes his head.

"You're not that bad Jade."

Umm thanks, I guess.

"But I'm confused why you don't train at all, I mean you should be with the elite fighters."

I shrug as we pass the gates and into the Academy, "it's a long story."

I know Jason's about to pry some more but the driver stops him as we start pulling up to the housing building, "the headmaster wants to see you in his office right when you get out."


There's students leaving the housing building as we arrive, there's two minutes until the second bell rings and students are running to their classes.

We stop and get out of the car walking into the building but I stop, making Jason bump into me from behind.

"Jade, what the fuck."

I tune him out as I look at whos standing at the bottom of the stairs.


Boy oh boy does he look mad.

His hairs messy and his eyes are slightly bloodshot as he takes me in. There's relief written on his face, but his eyes drift behind me to Jason and his gaze goes hard scowling.

It looks like he's been stressed and I shouldn't feel bad, but I do.

Curse these feelings

"Jade, come on."

Jason's voice breaks through the mini trance as I look away from Finn and walk to the headmasters office, feeling Finns gaze on me the entire time.

I knock on the door and the headmaster opens it and motions us inside.

Jason sits in one of the chairs, while I take the couch, resting my head against the wall.

The headmaster laughs as I start to close my eyes, a headache forming from the lack of sleep, "don't worry I wont keep you for long, I just need some papers signed the security team sent over, and I'll need your written mission statements by tomorrow."

He lays out some papers on the table and I cross the room to sign where he points.

They're papers saying they're not accountable for any injuries gained during the time of the mission, along with some other things basically following the same line and some about staying quiet about the mission.

"And Jade, I'll give you an extra one, considering you didn't fill one out for the last mission you went on."

I nod while Jason gives me a questioning look but I ignore him and grab my papers.

"You're both free the rest for the day, no need to attend school, so get some needed sleep."

I want to question his decision with pairing me and Jason together but I'm too tired.

Leaving his office, I make my way to the apartment and head to the kitchen, hungry.

I'm happy I'm feeling hungry again.

There are leftovers in the fridge from dinner last night and I quickly heat them up and eat, cleaning up the dishes and walking to my room.

Well sort of stumbling considering my eyes keep involuntarily closing on the small walk down the hallway and into my room, falling face first onto my bed.

I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness and I smile.

Finally, some sleep.

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