Who's Tiffany

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*Sorry I've been gone for awhile you guys, I've just been extremely busy. I hope to be back to my regular writing schedule soon, but I can't guarantee. Love you all so much and thank you for reading*


Somethings wrong.

I don't know what it is and maybe that's my lack of social cues or maybe I need to research how to recognize people's emotions through their body language, but I know somethings off between the boys.

Number one Charlie's not back yet.

Number two Phoenix isn't his usual smiling self. I mean he's smiling, like he is right now as we all watch a marvel movie back at the penthouse but he's not happy.

Its kind of like he's smiling from muscle memory, not because he's actually happy.

Number three is Finn is acting weird too, he keeps looking at the door, like he's waiting for something, or he's glancing at Phoenix with worry.

Totally weird.

Things were normal at the spa, we were laughing and having fun, but its like the moment we got back things have been off.

Callie asked about Charlie, but Finn just gave some half ass answer about him wanting some time alone, which didn't really make sense to me.

Especially after Phoenix called him a prick under his breath.

Did they have a fight?

What would they even fight about? I thought they were pretty close, and it seems like the person who might be mad at Charlie is Phoenix, but I wouldn't even know if Phoenix had it in him to be mad at Charlie.

Finn looks at the door again but this time it actually opens, and I see his eyes get a little wider as Charlie walks in...completely wasted?

The door slams behind him as he stumbles his way into the room. Every single one of us has our eyes on him now as he looks up and smiles, "hey guys, how you been?"

His words are slurred, and he starts stumbling his way to the couch that Lena's on before plopping down next to her and letting out a sigh.

God I can smell the alcohol from here.

He must have had a lot of personal time then.

I take in his attire, and he looks messy, his hair isn't the usually perfectly gelled back, his button up shirt has the top three unbuttoned showing off some of his chest—something that I've never seen him do, along with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His clothes are wrinkled and he overall just looks a little disheveled.

I see a bit of red on the neckline of his shirt and for a moment I worry that he hurt himself but looking a little closer, its definitely not blood.

Nope, looks like Charlie's 'personal time' involved a women, because there's an obvious lipstick mark on the collar of his shirt.

I open my mouth to say something, like a question about where he's been...or who, but a squeeze to my thigh take my attention and I look over at Finn who's subtly shaking his head.

I give him a questioning look and his eyes move to the armchair to the right of me, where Phoenix is. My brows dip in confusion as I look over at Phoenix and my heart immediately hurts.

His eyes are watery, Phoenix is on the verge of tears and he's staring directly at the mark on Charlie's shirt.

His hands fisted in his shirt, squeezing and unsqueezing as his eyes go over Charlie's state.

His eyes stop in a spot again and they start welling up with more tears, I follow his eyesight and find that Charlies moved positions and Phoenix's eyes are on the letters written on his forearm. I have to squint a little to see it, but I make it out pretty quickly.

Thanks for the fun time, call me – Tiffany. Along with a phone number and a kiss mark that shows she was wearing red lipstick.

No one notices how Phoenix is reacting, everybody's looking at Charlie now and Callie has started asking questions abut his drunken state as Charlie stares at the ceiling his eyes barley open.

My eyes move back to Phoenix and a tear escapes his eyes and moves down his cheek, he quickly wipes it away.

Lena's voice cuts through my studying of Phoenix, "Who's Tiffany and does she have anything to do with the fact that your zippers undone."

She laughs but my heart plummets as I look to find that she's right, his fly is undone, and Charlie continues staring at the ceiling but I don't miss how hips lips turn up in a smile and my stomach twists as I look over at Phoenix who's now staring down at the ground his body shaking in silent cries.

It clicks everything clicks, the weird looks, him mentioning he wises he could have what Finn and I have. The mentioned of the person needing to his roommate, how he's not interested in anyone.

I feel stupid that I haven't seen it sooner, but I move the thought to the back of my mind, as I stand from my seat on the couch and approach Phoenix's chair.

The girls and Charlie don't notice as I grab his hand and start leading him up the stairs and down the hallway to mine and Finn's room.

There's no way I'm taking him to his room, the one he's been sharing with Charlie.

I know Finns right behind me as I lead him to the bed, where we lay down and I wrap my arms around him as he starts to sob.

The sound hurts to hear especially coming from my happy little Phoenix and I hold him tighter as his crying gets worse, hiccupping between sobs and gasping for air like he's drowning.

My eyes follow Finn as he locks the door and turns on the tv in our room, Spiderman of course, and turns the volume up to prevent the rest of our roommates from hearing him cry.

Finn moves in behind Phoenix and becomes the big spoon, something I would find funny if the situation was different, but instead I find sad.

Phoenix's sobs get worse and I can feel where his tears have started to soak through my shirt.

"I...I" he hiccups "I tol...told...him."

I rub his back in reassurance.

He sniffles as he forces air into his lungs trying to get words out, "he..k..kissed...me," another sob and hiccup, "and...I finally.. tol..told him...that...that I...loved...h..h..him."

Finn's eyes find mine and I find his eyes are also watery as tears start to form, clearly affected by what Phoenix is saying.

A lump form in my own throat at the sight but I quickly swallow it down trying to be strong for Phoenix.

Phoenix's head moves up so he's looking in my eyes, tears are streaming down his face, his eyes red and puffy as he looks up at me, "Ja...Jade...he...he...said..i..it...back." His sobbing gets louder as he shakes his head, "I...thought...I...thought...I...thought...he–"

His words get broken off with another sob that goes straight to my heart as he buries his head into the crook of my neck, his body shaking.

"He..he...he lied!"

His entire body shaking as he goes between hiccups and sobs, both Finn and I hold him tighter, and silent tears fall from Finn eyes as he hugs Phoenix from behind

There's so many questions going through my mind but I don't even think about asking them

My skin itches and I fight the urge to twitch because anger is surfacing within me, and as Phoenix's sobs start to stop and are replaced by the steady sound of his breath as he sleeps, my mind is full of ways to kill Charlie.

I had no issues with him before, but now if given the green light I would gut him for what he just did to one of my favorite people in the world.

What he did to my sunshine Phoenix who's nowfilled with rainy clouds and thunder storms because of him. 

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