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I leave the room leaving Finn stunned.

Take that Finn

I quickly get dressed before he comes rushing into my room like literally always.

I've just pulled a shirt over my head when he opens the door, he doesn't even knock anymore.

And I swear he's trying to see me naked or something because whenever he does barge in, he looks disappointed that I do have clothes on.

Although Finns already holding his own bag he grabs mine as well, and we both head out the door.

Lena made French toast and Finn and I eat it together at the stools.

Charlie, Phoenix, and Callie apparently already left for the day so when we finish Finn and I leave, saying a goodbye to Lena.

As were walking down the stairs I feel Finns hand slide into mine, and I weirdly like it.

Last night or also this morning I was a rollercoaster of emotions. I was so emotional and Finn was there for me, holding me tight and reading to me.

He really is such a sweetheart and last night only made me like him more.

It also gave me more tingles but I'm not sure what that is.

Once we're down the stairs, Finn lets go of my hand and I look over at him in confusion.

Why'd he let go?

He's not looking at me though, just staring forward with a sort of empty expression on his face.

Hmmm, what's wrong?

I'm about to ask but he turn towards me and hands me my backpack, "I got to go."

Ohh, okay

"Will I see you in class?"

His jaw clench, "no Jade."

He turns around and walks off into the opposite direction of our classes and I look at him leaving in confusion......and hurt?


I shake myself and start walking to my class before I'm late.


Classes were pretty boring, Charlie asked where Finn was and I didn't really know what to tell him besides he walked off and said he wouldn't be in class.

Callie was a little upset that I didn't come tell her the reason I had bombarded her room at the crack of dawn, but when I promised her cookies, Vampire Diaries, and the explanation she forgave me.

Lena and I talked about astrology the majority of class and she also taught me about what a zodiac sign is and what mine would be.

I'm a Gemini

Its kind of interesting and then she told me my horoscope. Its nothing like the astronomy were learning about in class but I also learned that Lena thought this class would be about Zodiac signs and stuff like that instead of as she said it 'regular stars and planets'

We walked with one another to training and Jason was back leading the class, but he kept giving me suspicious looks the entire time, and kept trying to get me to train with the rest of the students which I politely declined multiple times only making him a grumpy Jason.

I decided that it was about time I told Finn about Cohen, he's been patient enough and I trust him enough to tell him, but first I need to tell Callie.

She's been there for me since day one at this school, and I don't know if I've been a good friend to her but I know that she's been an amazing one to me.

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