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I get to my math class early and Mr. Peters smiles as I walk through the door ushering me to his desk. He pulls the packet I did yesterday out of a folder and places it on the desk before looking at me.

"Jade you are spectacular."

I am?

"Why do you say that?"

"I have never had a student get about a 70% on this test and then you come in and get a perfect score, how is that even possible."

I shrug

Maybe the other students are stupid?

"If I may ask Jade, where did you study before coming to the academy."

Umm in a basement with an abusive psychopath.

"I was taught privately," I say with a smile.

"Well, they did a damn good job." He sighs and lean backs in his chair, "I don't even think there's anything I can teach you in this class, and I would probably recommend you to someone else, but I don't think they would be able to teach you anything either."

Wait, "are you kicking me out of this class?"

He sighs, "Well I don't see how it would benefit you to stay in here, you would just be reviewing basic thing for you."

I don't want more time to myself, all it would do is give me more time to think, and I don't want that.

"Could I......I don't know grade tests or something?"

He sighs, "I don't know Jade, I would have to talk to the headmaster about it."

Okay good that's not a no, but a maybe, and a maybe is okay.

"For now, you can sit in your seat and do any homework from other classes during the lesson."

I nod and head to the back, pulling out the book from literature class and starting where I left off, I know I'm far ahead but that's alright, at least it's something to do.

The bell rings and people start coming into the class and sitting in their seats, every once in a while I'll look up to see if Charlie and Finn have arrived yet and they finally do, once again a minute before class starts.

Charlie smiles and I smile back, Finn as always does nothing even resembling a smile, but I still smile back at him, and his displeasure deepens.

They make their way to their own seats, and I turn back to my book once again drowning out the noise around me and focusing on the words in front of me.

The bell rings almost exactly at the same time I finish my book and I quickly pack and leave the classroom, now I just have to get through all my other classes.

The rest of my classes were a little boring. I got questioned by Callie about disappearing during breakfast, but I tried to brush her off as much as possible, trying to seem like I wanted to get to my classes early and I did the best I could without lying to her.

Lena was too focused on what was being taught in class to talk to me and I was grateful for that.

Now I'm on my way to training and my bodies itching for the need to be exhausted and I don't think running myself crazy will be that affective.

Deciding to skip training I make my way to the headmaster's office. I knock on the door and wait the minute until he opens it and lets me in.

I don't even wait for him to sit before I speak.

"Is there any way I could go on a mission?"

He sits down and looks at me, "Jade, the missions at this academy are only for elite fighters an—

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