Pancakes From Phoenix

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The night didn't go well.

After another movie we all went to bed....well except me.

I tried

Laid down in bed, let the tiredness take over, but I didn't even last 30 minutes before I woke up screaming.

Yes, screaming

The nightmares only seem to be getting worse.

Finn came to my door knocking like his life depended on it, and after reassuring him I was fine multiple times he finally left.

Only to come back minutes later with hot chocolate and cookies and a more prominent worry line than before.

I took his offering and tried to usher him away, but he wouldn't budge.

Resulting in him falling asleep in my bed while I sat in the chair.

I don't think he meant to fall asleep, based off him constantly shaking himself awake only to start falling asleep again. I guess exhaustion took over eventually and he finally fell asleep.

He's a peaceful sleeper, and what a shock when I found out he doesn't sleep with a scowl on his face.

I read in the armchair for majority of the time he slept, making sure to be quiet so I didn't wake him up.

Once the sun started to rise and it was about an hour before our classes started, I heard some banging in the kitchen.

Now although Lena usually cooks, judging by how loud whoever it is, is being, I doubt its her.

I quietly leave the room, leaving my book on the chair as I tiptoe out of the room and down the hallway.

And sure enough Phoenix stands in the middle of the kitchen being loud as can be.

"Hey Jade, how'd you sleep!"

Umm I didn't

He keeps whisking whatever's in a bowl in front of him, "what are you making?"

He smiles big, "Pancakes, I make the best ones ever and they'll change your life!"

Although I very much doubt that I smile and nod as I make my way to the stools.

After sitting he looks up to me, "soooooo, what's going on with you and Finn?"

"What," I ask confused.

He uses his hand to motion to the air — the hand with the whisk in it spraying pancake batter all over.

"Opps," he looks at his mess and shrugs his shoulders. "Anyway, you know what I mean, what's going on with you two? I mean there's obvious tension and he looks like he'll beat anyone who touches you to a bloody pulp, but how do you feel?"

He looks at me excited, almost jittery as he waits for my answer.


"I like him."

He leans forward over the counter, "yeah but do you like him like him."

I frown, "Like more than a friend?"

He nods excitingly, "yes!"

I give him a small nod, "then yes I guess I like him like him."

Phoenix beams and starts twirling around in the kitchen, muttering things under his breath.

Maybe Phoenix needs help.....mental help.

They tried to make me see a therapist after I escaped but.....I never went.

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