Competition Results

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After an orgasm from Finn we were running a little late for our classes, saving our trauma bonding for later which Finn also made me promise would happen.

Now were walking together to class Finns hands in mine, making me remember the other day.

I look up towards Finn, "why'd you leave that day?"

Finn squeeze's my hand a little and looks down, "it has to do with our conversation later."

Hmmm? "okay"

Finn squeeze's my hand again, "but just so you know I didn't want to leave you princess....I never want to leave you."

I squeeze his hand back and give him a smile, "same."

We reach our classroom and he stops before entering, pulling me closer and kissing me before he turns me around and opens the door for me.

We sit in our usual spots and he puts my backpack down for me before moving his desk even closer to mine.


I look up to see Mr. Peters calling for me and motioning me to the front of the classroom.

The second bell hasn't rung yet and students are still coming in as I approach his desk.

Reaching his desk I give him a smile, "Mr. Peters."

He smiles and grabs a pile of papers on the desk, holding them out to me, "I have some quizzes for you to grade if you're still up for it."

I take the papers from his hand and give him an excited smile, "definitely."

He nods and hands me a red pen before I start walking back to my seat.

Finn looks at me confused as I slide back into my seat leaning over to look at the papers, "why do you have so many quizzes."

I uncap the red pen and pull the first quiz off the top placing it in front of me, "I'm grading them."


"Because I'm too smart for my own good."

Finn looks confused and I smile, "all the classes at this school are easy for me so instead of having no class, I get to grade papers," I clarify.

Finn hums, "didn't know my girl was that smart."

A thrill goes through my body at the 'my girl' part, and I smirk at him, "you'll find out a lot of things you didn't know today."

Finn looks confused and that's okay because he'll be even more confused when I beat his ass in all the simulators.

I smile to myself as I grade the papers, sensing Finns eyes on me only makes me smile more.


Class finishes and I bring all the graded tests to Mr. Peters who gives me a thank you before Finn and I leave, him walking me to my next class holding my bag.

Charlie was the only one who got a 100 percent, much to Finn grumbling dismay I did not change his grade from a 98 to a 100 but I did offer to tutor him, which he only rolled his eyes at and made me laugh.

I like that Finns smart, I don't need a dumb man.

The rest of the classes feel slow since I'm so excited for training where they announce the winners for the sim comp.

Lena and Callie are also excited and they're hoping I beat Finn and wipe the cocky smirk off his face.

That's obviously a fact and I'm just now realizing I may not the most humble of people, but you know a 'bad bitch holds the world in her hands' as Callie says.

I believe I am a bad bitch.

Finn met me in front of all my classes as always and takes my bag and walks me to each one, which is why were now on the way to training.

All the training students partaking in the competition gather on the field, there's a podium stage thing where the headmaster stands and I'm bouncing with excitement earning me weird looks from the guys.

All of our roommates are together and I'm excited.

Soon enough the headmaster comes over a speaker, "good afternoon students and thank you to those partaking in the simulator competitions, as you know the winners of each get to pick at most six people to join them on their stay in a luxury penthouse for the weekend with full access and free reign to everything in the city. If one student wins more than one category the second and third place winners get to go out Friday night like all the second place winners. Any questions before we announce the winners?" No one speaks up and the headmaster pulls out a sheet of paper.

Finn glances down at me with a smile, "I know exactly what you're going to get tattooed."

I don't respond just smile at him as the headmaster starts talking.

"First is the knife simulator, with the score of 224,087 in second place is Finn Anderson." I smile and Finns head swing towards me as I give him an innocent shrug, "In first place with a score of 679,900 is Jade Fuller." People start clapping and I too clap in glee as I look over at Finn's sulking and confused face.

"Next will be the sniper simulator, with a score of 85,005 in second place is Maxon Novo, and in first place with a score of 368, 673 in first place is Finn Anderson."

Finn smirks down at me and I give him a beaming smile.

He still think he has a chance when he indeed does not, "Gun accuracy with a score of 443,020 in second place is Finn Anderson, and with a score of 783,600 is Jade Fuller. Because Jade and Finn already won third place with a score of 124,889 is Hatcher Stone."

Hmm interesting name.

Finns scowling and I don't blame him, losing sucks.

I mean technically I wouldn't really know what losing a competition feels like but whatever.

"Finally we have the archery simulator, with a score of 356,870 in second place is Lena Lorquasky, and with a score of 458,000 in first place is Jade Fuller. Our third place winner with a score of 222,870 is Greg O'Donnell."

Finns glaring at me now as I jump with joy, the official winner of our bet.

He starts walking off back towards the apartment and I skip along next to him as he grumbles under his breath, which only makes me smile "oh raisin, I'm so excited to pick out your tattoo. Hey, do you think we can make some cookies when we get back to the apartment."

I giggle as Finn grumbles some more and I grab his hand and kiss it making him stop for the time being, "I can't believe you won."

"I can, I'm pretty badass."

Finn stops abruptly and turns towards me, picking me up so I wrap my legs around his waist as he gives a soft kiss to my lips, "yeah, I guess you are pretty badass."

I kiss Finn's nose and try to drop my legs to get off him, but he just continues walking, making me resume my position in his arms.

We get to the apartment, but he still doesn't put me down, instead he takes me to his room and sits me on the couch by the window, "okay, time for our conversation."

The smile somewhat leaves my face as Finn sits down.

Yayy trauma bonding time.

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