These Arms Are Made For Cuddling

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Waking up this morning I feel like shit.

The headache from last night has multiplied and I feel like death.

I'm still in bed, Finn asleep right next to me, his hand possessively holding my hip and I should feel content.

Happy that I've found someone who likes me for me and would do anything for me.

The headache hurts but the memory of what Finn did last night warms me.

No not the part where he left me to the wolves, but when he took care of me after, and killed that man.

Most girls would probably be appalled by his actions last night, but to me it makes me like him even more.

I've never had someone care for me enough to do that before, and the feeling I got with the knowledge that the did that for me leaves me with butterflies.

The good butterflies

I face him more admiring how beautiful he is.

He's got some long eyelashes though, probably longer than mine and I smile at the thought of Callie being mad about it.

Yesterday when we were getting ready, she went into a whole rant about how men have longer eyelashes than women and how unfair it was as she was putting on mascara.

My smile widens when I remember him wiping all the makeup Lena and Callie put on me last night along with the numerous bobby pins that were in my hair before I went into my fit of throwing up.

"What are you smiling for princess?"

I look into his hazel eyes keeping the smile on my face, "your eyes are pretty."

His own lips morph into a smile as he looks at me, "I don't think that's what you were smiling about love, considering my eyes were closed and I was sleeping."

I shrug and move closer to him, "just thinking about how lucky I am to have you."

He chuckles and pulls me into his chest, "no baby, I'm the lucky one."

I roll my eyes, "whatever you say bozo."

His eyes light up, "ohh yay another nickname."

I roll my eyes at his sarcastic excitement and start to move out of bed, Finn definitely loves every nickname I give him, so he needs to quit this little act he's got going on.

Maybe I should just start calling him every nickname I can think of? Yes I think I will.

Finn tries to grab me as I move out of the bed groaning in protest, "why are you leaving? My heat source is gone and now I'm going to die of hypothermia, so you should probably come back in my arms and snuggle some more."

I shake my head at him a smile on my face, "no can do honeybun, the girls and I are going to the spa." Finn opens his mouth but I speak before he can, "and no you cant come, it's a girls day."

Finn pouts at that and stares up at the ceiling, "how am I supposed to survive without your goddess self in my presence?"

I laugh at that "I'm sure you'll make it through it, but if you need a little reminder of me ask Phoenix to put a wig on and snuggle with you."

Finn makes a disgusted face that makes me laugh, "my cuddles are for one person and one person only." I raise my eyebrow at that, "and in case you were wondering that person is you."

I nod my head satisfied "as it should."

Finn sits up fully now, "where did you learn that phrase?"

"Callie has been teaching me slang and stuff" I shrug.

He laughs a little and shakes his head.


He just keeps shaking his head an amused smile on his lips, "nothing baby...absolutely nothing."

I roll my eyes and turn to go into the bathroom. Turning the water on I strip out of Finns shirt before stepping into the blissfully hot water. happy place.

Mid washing my body I hear the door to the bathroom open and in walks a sleepy Finn.

"Miss me already!" I call out.

I can see his smile grow as he grabs his toothbrush, "I always miss you, but I also have to brush my teeth and get ready as well, the boys and I are also going out."

"To where?"

"Some sports thing, I don't know Charlie picked it out."

"Well, I hope you have fun."

It's a good thing Charlies deciding where they're going because I have a feeling that if Finn or Phoenix got to pick they would somehow end up in the spa as well.

Finn quickly finishes up and moves over to where I am in the shower, "can I have a kiss please."

I smile and shake my head, "I don't know if you'd want that, you just brushed your teeth, and I haven't brushed mine yet."

Finn grabs my face and brings it to his, planting a sweet soft kiss on my lips before pulling away, "don't care princess."

I shake my head at that and turn back to my cleaning duties.

"Why are you showering anyway? We both showered last night, plus your going to the spa."

I start rinsing the soap off my body as I respond, "number one the shower helps me wake up and relax, number two, I still feel gross after what happened on the bathroom floor last night."

Finn nods as his phone starts ringing and he picks it up off the counter, "yeah"..."yes I'm coming"... "No"... "Ill be down in five minutes calm your tits." He rolls his eyes, "everybody has tits yours are just small." He smiles after the comment and hangs up.

"Phoenix" I ask.

He nods, "yeah, he's got a stick up his ass, since he apparently got us brunch reservations before we go to whatever Charlie has planned and he doesn't want to be late."

"You better get going then Sugarplum."

He looks mildly confused at what I called him but doesn't say anything as he leans in for another kiss before running out the door shouting "goodbye baby, see you later tonight."

I finishing washing my whole body and leave the shower sadly, knowing the girls are going to wonder where I am soon.

I wrap the fluffy towel around my body and turn to the sink, locating my toothbrush and starting to brush. Its then that I notice another little note written in the condensation "have a great day baby, I'm going to miss you, xoxo Finn."

I smile at the cuteness and move into the room looking through my suitcase and finding one of the dresses Finn packed me and some undergarments before quickly getting dressed.

I hope Finn has fun with the boys, and I hope this spa has a hot tub.

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