My Prince

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Finn sets me down on the bed right next to the bags, but when I go to grab them he slaps my hand away from them playfully, "hey!"

Finn shakes his head and moves the bag farther away from me, "no princess, I get to show you everything.... like show and tell."

My brows furrow in confusion, "what's that?"

Finn eyes flicker to sadness quickly before he goes back to his happy face and kisses me on the forehead, "I'll show you what I got, and tell you what I got."

I smile and clasp my hands together excited.

Is this what kids feel like on Christmas?

Cause I'm really happy, but maybe that just has to do with the man in front of me.

Finn takes out the first item.....a, three dresses.

There's a flowy pale yellow one that has a cute tie in the back, a flowy white one with pinkish flowers all over and thin straps, a black one with roses on it and fluffy short sleeves. They're all really pretty.

In the second bag there's a various amount of jeans all in different colors and washes, as Finn describes. They're all much better looking then the worn ones in my room.

The third bag has a lot of shirts, tank tops, and a thing called a cardigan.

Everything looks so pretty, and Finn makes me so happy, this has to be Christmas...right?

"Is it Christmas?"

Finn giggles and shakes his head, "no baby Christmas isn't until a couple of months, you're man just likes to spoil you."

I stand up from the bed and hug Finn, giving him a little smooch — my new favorite word, "thanks Rider."

Finn pulls away a little and looks down, "did you just call me rider?"

I nibble my lip and smile, "yep."

Finns face is angry and he starts scowling again, "who's Rider? Who am I killing?"

I shake my head and laugh pulling him closer and nuzzling my face into his chest, "you're rider dumbass, its another one of your nicknames."

"Why Rider?"

I can feel Finns chest rumbling as he says it and I smile, "Because of Flynn Rider, the hero in Rapunzel's story. You're my hero Rider, you're my own your names are kind of similar."

Finns hands slide over my butt and to my thighs, lifting me up into his arms so we're eye level and Finn has tears in his eyes.

My smile quickly morphs to worry as I grab his face and start wiping away the tears like he does to me, "why are you crying Finn, did I say something wrong?"

He lets out a choked laugh and shakes his head giving me a peck on the lips, "no baby, you didn't say anything wrong, these are happy tears."

I breath a sigh of relief, "is it because I didn't call you raisin?"

Finns booming laughter fills the room as he shakes his head and buries it into my neck, "no baby, you can call me whatever you want, as long as you're still calling me."

I wrap my arms around Finn neck and sigh, "like call you on the phone?"

Finn chuckles into my neck tickling me, "sure princess, you can call me on the phone too."

I sigh in content as Finn holds on to me for a couple more minutes before setting me down on the bed and starting to move all the clothes from the bags into his closet, "now you don't need to go back to your room."

I smile, "what about my bathroom stuff and pajamas."

Finn puts more stuff on hangers, "I'll grab your bathroom stuff and your pajamas consist of my clothes or nothing."

"But those are you're clothes."

"They are, but I love seeing you in them and they make my cock hard."

What is it with him and chickens, "Finn, why do you have a chicken, and why is it hard."

Finn stops for a moment and turns to look at me, seeing the serious look on my face he starts laughing hysterically.

I like when Finn laughs, he's so pretty, but I don't understand why he's laughing.

Finn calms down and clears his throat, waking over so he's standing between my thighs, "a cock is another word  for dick or penis or member or dingaling, or pecker, or wang, or schl—"

"Okay! I get it Finn, it's not a chicken!"

Maybe I should have looked that up on the Urban Dictionary.

Finn giggles under his breath and kisses me on the forehead, grabbing my hand and placing it over his sweatpants covered 'cock', "I don't know princess, does this feel like a chicken to you?"

I take a sharp intake of breath but quickly cool myself and smirk up at him, "yes."

Finn starts laughing again dropping my hand and kissing my forehead, he looks at me with soft eyes, "you're beautiful Jade Fuller."

I smile up at him, "you're magnificent Finn......" my brows furrow, "Finn what's your last name?"


"You're magnificent Finn Anderson."

He leans down and kisses my lips again pushing me backwards until my back if flat against the bed, Finns mouth exploring mine, and the tingles between my thighs start again.

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